The Lord asked me "Did you hang the stars in the night sky to be seen by all who look upon them and do you know all of the names I have given them? Did you place the sun, the moon and the planets in perfect order and do you keep them in place?" "No Lord" I responded. "Then you're not the master of the heavens" He replied.
The Lord spoke again and He asked me "Did you give your breath to create life on the earth and all that sustains it? Did you give life to the animals and the ground that feed you? Can you give life to even one thing?" "No Lord" I responded. "Then you are not the giver of life" He replied.
The Lord spoke again and He asked me "Do you know the count of the leaves on the trees of the world or the number of the feathers that cover it's birds? Do you even know how many hairs are on your own head?" "No Lord" I responded." "Then you are not the accountant of the universe" He replied.
The Lord spoke again and He asked me "Do you know the measure of all of the waters of the world as they flow freely, rest in the oceans and float in the air? Can you calm the great seas when they rage?" No Lord" I responded. "Then you are not the master of the waters" He replied.
The Lord spoke again and He asked me "Are you the one who gives birth to the clouds, the power to the sun to shine, or the one who stirs the air to blow as the wind? Can you make the lightening strike with authority where you will it or give voice to the thunder that shakes creation when it speaks?" No Lord" I responded. "Then you are not the world's weather maker" He replied.
The Lord spoke once again and He asked me "Do you even know who you are?" Then I responded "Forgive me my Lord, but I am none of these things of which you spoke. I cannot control even myself to walk upright without your help. I gaze at the night sky captivated in wonder and awe. That which I struggle to build perishes and that which I plant only grows at your bidding. Its' life given by your hand that I may profit from it. I look upon creation in amazement at it's flourishing number and cannot conceive it's vastness or complexity. I cannot hope to control the waters of the world with any authority of my own and their measure is beyond my comprehension. I am at your mercy when the wind blows and the rains come. I seek shelter from the weather that comes for I am helpless to control it. The thunder and lightening appear at your command and they speak with your authority. The things I can do are not worthy of mention. I am weak and helpless to even have effect on these great things you have done. I am not even a speck to be worthy of your notice. Who am I Lord that you should even speak to me now?" Then the Lord responded "Hear me child and keep my words forever in your heart. For you are the one for whom I have done all that I have done in my great hope that you might find me worthy of your love. Your love is that which I value most above all that exists and all that I have created. You are my greatest work. My masterpiece. You are the object of my desire ... and you ... are the greatest love of my heart."
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