How sweet the moment man realizes the limitations of
his mortality and surrenders his life to the design of an
immortal and everlasting God
How blessed is the heart that seeks to touch the heart
of it’s Creator and know the love that loves without limit
without end and without cause
How joyous is the life that is redeemed from the righteous
justice of everlasting death to be given the privilege of life
eternal at the price of faith in a Savior
How free is the spirit of man repentant, relieved of the
burden of sin and filth to fly holy in the presence of the
Father and be warmed by the Son
How deep is my love for the one who would bear my
shame, my sentence of death and still be anxious to give
me healing and unfailing love
his mortality and surrenders his life to the design of an
immortal and everlasting God
How blessed is the heart that seeks to touch the heart
of it’s Creator and know the love that loves without limit
without end and without cause
How joyous is the life that is redeemed from the righteous
justice of everlasting death to be given the privilege of life
eternal at the price of faith in a Savior
How free is the spirit of man repentant, relieved of the
burden of sin and filth to fly holy in the presence of the
Father and be warmed by the Son
How deep is my love for the one who would bear my
shame, my sentence of death and still be anxious to give
me healing and unfailing love
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