Dear Papa God,
There are some things that I need to say to you. I know that you know them, but I need for you to hear them from me...
Father, I am like a child fearful and afraid of that which moves in the darkness of this life to bring me harm until I hear your voice and feel the touch of your hand. It's then that I know that I am not alone. Only then do I feel safe and comforted for my Father's near.
My heart yearns for yours Father. I am left inconsolable, incomplete, and lacking without your presence. I am not to be satisfied by anything but your presence with me for nothing else can fill the void in my heart.
I hunger for the meat of your wisdom and the sweetness of your mercy. I am helpless to feed myself my Lord. But I am fed by your love and your grace and you are faithful to sustain me.
My spirit thirsts in the desert of this barren world and I would wither away to death. But when I think I may perish, you shower me with the living waters of your Holy Spirit to bring me life. And I am suddenly awash in your spirit, joyfully splashing like the child that I am in your presence.
When my flesh is weak and I feel that I can walk no further, you cradle me in your patient love and carry me over the mountains and across the miles until I can walk again
When the weight of this world would crush me and my heart is heavy, you bear the weight of my burden and pick me up to stand again. You give strength to my bones and muscle to my flesh. With your help I can do anything you ask.
When I crave the touch of a hand in mine, it's your hand that I need to hold. The hand of my Father holding mine as we walk together comforts me and reminds me that there is nothing that I can fear and that I am loved beyond measure.
It's your face my Father that I long to see. The countenance of your Spirit brings me peace and makes me whole. There is nothing else that can give me the feeling of safety, joy, love or completeness that I am blessed with as your child.
For all of these things my Father, my Papa God, I am awed, grateful and humbled in your presence. You have my heart forever.
Your Child
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