Oh Son of Heaven and light of the world,
King of Kings does not begin to describe your place in the universe
Your footsteps echo like thunder in the heavens this world knows
Whispers of your power flash as lightening in the skies of this earth
All of knowing creation fears your wrath for you are God
You walk on the clouds and the stars shine with your light
The brilliant shadow of your glory gives life to the earth
and the creatures of this world seek shade from its' glare
All the host of heaven stands at attention when you speak
And then fall to endless worship at your nail scarred feet
Your power has no measure, Your wisdom no end
There is none to compare to you mighty Son of God
Mere word from your lips brought all of creation
And your Holy whisper will mark its' end
Yet tears of your eyes fall as rain for hearts that are broken
Your heart aches for the lonely the lost and the hurting
Your mercy for the repentant is beyond measure
For they are saved at the willing cost of your life
Oh Lord God, Creator, Savior and King
I know not why the speck of my measure to you matters
For I am only the gathered dust of your work
Made holy and live by your very breath
But I am awed forever that your Indescribable Greatness
Would suffer humiliation to death just for me alone
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