With my countenance bowed low before you, my heart declares the truth by your word, that before all time, you existed my Lord. Before the earth, the sun and the moon were created and hung in the expanse of the universe, you alone were God and you created them all with a plan to give life to men that you could call friend
At the mere sound of your voice, the mountains rose from the depths of the earth for men to see towering above the land as monuments declaring your majesty. They rise high above that which you alone have created that men might know your power to create them and give praise to their God.
You gathered the seas from the corners of the earth and you alone command their boundaries. Your hand hung the stars above them to give guidance to those that you would bring to travel over their depths. In all things, you give men guidance with the choice to follow.
It was your voice alone that brought all things to be in your creation and it is by your voice that all things are held in fragile and perfect balance. The sun, the moon and the planets all move in graceful orbit to the dance that you commanded. We cannot begin to understand the depths of your power that brings these things to existence or the complexity of the least of that which you created by the mere sound of your voice.
You are both Abba Father and Elohim to me. My heart knows longing and fearful anguish when you are silent, but your voice brings both joy and fear to my heart when you speak. For your voice is that of my Father and the words are the word of my God. All that matters is of you and my life hangs in the balance of your words for your word is the powerful truth that rules all that exists.
Who am I that you allow me to stand in your presence before you? Who am I Lord that you give me choice to believe? I pledge my Lord that for me there is only one response to be given to this choice. I pay homage to you alone my God, for I am only the gathered dust of your work and the creation of your hand. I live only by your breath in me. If you should withdraw it, I would live no more. If there be any good in me, anything worthy, it exists in your holy breath and your spirit within me.
Who am I Lord, that you would sacrifice your own to reconcile me to yourself that I may continue to exist in your presence? I bow my head in shame for my ignorance of the full depth of your greatness and the lack of my ability to understand the depths of your undeserved love. I am humbled beyond words by your undeserved mercy and will forever be awed by your holy power.
I mourn that I have not more to offer in return for all that you have given than the heart that you gave me. But I offer it freely, praying my Lord that it might bring joy to your own heart and a smile to your holy face. I pray that I will always serve faithfully your hearts desire and surrender wholly to your will in deep and loving reverence. For you are my God and my Father, He who was and always will be and I am only the undeserving child created by your loving hearts' desire.
Your love alone has made me a prince in the kingdom of the one true God. A title I could never earn and a reward that I could never deserve. But one bought for me by the King of the universe by your own selfless suffering and sacrifice out of the great love of your heart. Who could choose otherwise my Lord than to pay loyal homage to your awesome greatness? Forever my heart is yours.
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