When we come together to worship our God, we are inviting Him to come and dine on our praise and worship. We are inviting our most treasured love to dinner. How will we prepare ourselves for this intimate occasion? What will we serve Him? What will we offer the greatest love of our lives as an offering of our deepest affections for His pleasure?
What will we offer Him in our worship? Will it be yesterdays tasteless, warmed-over mashed potatoes? Or will it be the choicest, most savory dish that our love for Him inspires us to serve Him? Will it be His favorite dish that we labor to prepare because we know that it pleases Him? Or something that we prepared with the minimum of effort on the spur of the moment just to get the job done? Spiritually, how will we dress for this occasion? Will we come to the table in our daily work grubbys to serve the King of our hearts? Or will we prepare our hearts to appeal to His desire because we know that it satisfies His desire - His desire to find us meeting the vision He holds of us in His minds' eye?
How will we prepare and set the table? Will we throw the silverware on the table in a pile and apply the minimum effort to get it over with? Or will we make the occasion an expression of our deepest love and affection, responding to His deepest love for us? Will we take care to make the occasion special? To demonstrate how special He is to us? To show how much we honor and value His presence? Or will it be an act devoid of intention performed out of a sense of obligation and duty? Something we just have to do?
Think about how and what you offer Him in this intimate moment of worship. Take care in how and what you serve your King today as He comes to your table to dine.
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