Hear me my children, for my words are sent as an arrow to pierce your heart. Not out of a desire that you should be harmed, but to wound your heart with loving correction for you have wounded me grievously.
From before the moment that I began to survey in order to lay the foundations of the earth, my thoughts were for you. In all that I have done in the creation of the world, you were in the forefront of my mind. Everything I have done, I have done for you. Everything I created, I created for your pleasure and for your sustenance in the life that I have given you. All that I have given of myself, I have given from my deepest love and affection for you. Like a good and loving mother, my arms have always longed to hold my children to my breast to give loving comfort and safety. Yet you run after other loves and I watch with jealousy as you give your attention elsewhere. Your desires are for things that perish, and your first attention given to things that cause my affections to remain unanswered. Yet my love for you endures. So who am I that you should hide me behind all of the other things in your life?
I have given you my every attention. I have watched and responded to the things in your life with the greatest of care, yet I fall behind other things in importance. Every moment of time since I gave you breath, I have watched over you and doted on you with deepest care and affection, yet the time you give me is what is left over from the other interests in your life. My spirit gave birth to yours, I hold your life in my hands still, yet you neglect to regard me with the same importance I have given you.
If you speak to me of your love, but do not give proof of its existence by your affection, then I am left wanting still. If you say to another close to you "I love you", but do not demonstrate affection, then the aching grows from neglect and love is in danger of fading. But I have been faithful to you and my love holds strong in the face of the neglect by your heart. The aching of my heart grows deeper with time and yet I stand faithful still in the hope that your heart will hear my calling. Like the calling of the most faithful lover to her beloved, my heart cries out for your affection. Will you neglect me still?
I see with jealous eyes, the excitement and joy you devote to the other interests in your life and am wounded in my heart. I did not give you life that you should love it, but that you should love me, the one who gave it. I have wept over you many times, for my longing to be justly recognized by the object of my desire is great. I have wooed you as the greatest lover in all that I have provided and all that I have done for you. Do you not see these things? If you can speak it in truth, tell me if you dare, who or what is greater or more deserving than I. I created Eve for Adam because it was not good that he should be alone, but indeed for the same reason, I created mankind for me. Leave me not in misery still seeking the proof of your affections. But run to me, and I, the God of all creation, will run to you as the greatest lover of your soul. Show me the zeal in your heart for me. Give me proof of your words. Return my affections and I will pour out my love for you. Stronger and deeper than the oceans, it will sweep you away into the depths of it. Like the fountains that gave birth to the oceans, it will flow unending until the fullness of it rises to meet the shores of my faithfulness to you and your longing is satisfied forever.
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