Who am I Lord to question what you have declared acceptable? Who am I to judge anything but by your word and your decree. It's by your word and your decree that I know anything. Any other is folly for your word is the only truth that exists and it was authored by your mouth. It existed before the time of men began and has stood unchanged by the interpretations of men and the efforts of the enemy to hide it or pervert it. It stands alone as the highest shining monument of all time unable to be changed by the efforts of any who would come against it. The light of it gives men the mercy and grace to see as they walk the path of this life. The spirit of it gives wisdom and understanding to those who would founder in blindness and ignorance without it and fall to their death. It gives sustenance to live and strength to walk the miles. It brings healing to the broken and comforts those who would tremble as they walk.
The enemy of mens souls has made substitution to snare the feet of those who walk the earth. It's cunning and elaborate. It's planned with great evil in its intention and perfected over the centuries to become the only obvious before men. Those who are taken by it hold it high and swear by it. They claim it as great wisdom as they rebuke those who refuse it and declare them to be fools. Only by your mercy are eyes given to see it for what it is. Only by your grace are men spared the reward of it. For ignorance and blindness are it's payment and death its final reward as they stumble and fall from the mountain of its feigned wisdom when the truth is revealed in the day of judgement.
I know not where I may go in this path of your choosing, only that it leads me to you. I know only that the course that I seek to follow is one written by your hand and my confidence is high in the one that guides my feet. If I am called a fool and the wisdom I live by does not meet the approval of this world, I only need to know that you are with me, that you are pleased in my progress and that I am on the path of your choosing. Make known to me your ways and the wisdom of your word and I will be confident in the face of all enemies. For there is only one truth whose light shatters the darkness to reveal the way I must go and keeps my feet safe from the snares. There is only one God who authors the one truth and it is He that leads me on my way. Nothing else matters and nothing else is to my gain. Nothing else can deliver fulfillment or bring real satisfaction. For I was created to do this one thing, to serve the one God who authored the one truth with all of this one heart.
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