If darkness surrounds us and the enemy rages near, we are not moved. If we feel that we're alone and the sound of our voice calling out to you is returned with silence, we will not fear. For in the silence where no voice is heard, your Word continually speaks unending volumes. It tells us that you're omnipresent and of your promise that you will always be with us. It tells us of your deep and abiding love for us. A love so great that you willingly paid the ultimate price for even the least of us. It tells how you delight in us and long for our affection. We have only to believe what your Word declares and continue to walk in confident faith knowing that all is as you have spoken before.
Your momentary silence tests our faith to believe what you have already told us. Our feelings and the things that may appear around us would only seek to deceive us, but your word speaks the truth of what exists. So we are not moved. We know by your word that we are in the palm of your hand shining and clean, restored and forgiven. We're safe from the condemnation and fear that the enemy of our soul declares to be our fate. There is no one that can snatch us away from the hand of our Father and none that may bring to bear the threats that they promise against your will. None are greater than the omnipotent God who holds us safe in His hand and none can compare with even the greatness of your shadow.
The enemy may seek to envelop our path in the blackest darkness of night, but we carry your light within us and declare that we can see the way before us by the light of your Word. You may allow things to test our faith, but it's with the knowledge that by it's exercise, it becomes stronger. Your intentions toward us are always good, though the enemy would seek to cast doubt. You delight in us as the doting father over the children he cherishes. Your tests seek to develop our character and our endurance against the things in the world that would destroy our souls. It's our souls that you cherish, for they are eternal and in them is the value you hold dear.
The world before us is temporary and not our destination by the promise of your Word. It's merely a testing ground and a place of learning. It's an opportunity to develop that which cannot be seen with mortal eyes in a limited and physical world that exists for numbered days. Those who know you declare your faithfulness to your Word and are not moved by the things we can see. For what we cannot see is declared by your Word and stands as the unfailing promise of our future because of your faithfulness. Because of our faith in you, we are not moved by what may be set against us with deceptive allure to our senses, either pleasant or threatening. Your Word is our standard. It, is what we believe. Lord, you are faithful, so we will not be moved.
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