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Showing posts from January, 2011

Holy Warriors We Are!!!

Of what value is it that we who are covered with the armor of our God and armed with the holy weapons of spiritual warfare stand still while the battle of the ages wages around us? If we become comfortable in the security of our own safety while the enemy of our Heavenly Father claims countless victories in the world around us, who will fight the fight as our master watches? We who are spiritually aware are watching the darkness of sin envelop the world we live in. Who is called to be the light in the world? Where are they that stand as warriors and beacons of God's holy light to roll back the encroaching darkness and vanquish the enemy's growing hoards? If it's not you and I, then who is it that He calls His own and why has He armed us for the battle? Our fight is not physical and it's not fought with physical things. Our position of strength is not standing with our chest out and sword raised in defiance. This is the world's posture. Our greatest position of st...

Imagine... The Urgency

As Christians, we know what we know and because of that knowledge we live in the comfort of a certain future. But what if we didn't. What if we didn't know that we were saved. What if we didn't know our God's heart toward us. What if we had never heard with understanding, the word of our Father God or had any knowledge that the stain of our past and the horrific failures of our lives could be removed from our life's record. What if we didn't know we could be free? Imagine that we lived every day without true hope or meaningful purpose. Imagine living a life without direction and guidance that brought peace or relief from the evil that exists in the world. Each day would be spent seeking to satisfy needs that we couldn't even begin to understand. Moving from one thing to the next, trying anything to fill the void that seems impossible to fill. Living to find that each thing that we struggled so hard to either attain or obtain only left us emptier still. No ...

You Are Faithful, So We Will Not Be Moved

If darkness surrounds us and the enemy rages near, we are not moved. If we feel that we're alone and the sound of our voice calling out to you is returned with silence, we will not fear. For in the silence where no voice is heard, your Word continually speaks unending volumes. It tells us that you're omnipresent and of your promise that you will always be with us. It tells us of your deep and abiding love for us. A love so great that you willingly paid the ultimate price for even the least of us. It tells how you delight in us and long for our affection. We have only to believe what your Word declares and continue to walk in confident faith knowing that all is as you have spoken before. Your momentary silence tests our faith to believe what you have already told us. Our feelings and the things that may appear around us would only seek to deceive us, but your word speaks the truth of what exists. So we are not moved. We know by your word that we are in the palm of your hand sh...

Grant Us Eternal Vision

Lord, a lack of peace comes from either not knowing or not completely accepting your word as truth and beginning to live according to the spirit of it. Your word is our security and is as unchanging and unshakeable as you are. By your word, the only things that truly matter are eternal and are not affected by the decay and erosion of this world. All that is eternal is in your hand and by faith, it becomes our certain future. This moment of life in an alien world is but a fleeting wisp in the expanse of all that lays before us by your design. We were not created for this world, but to permanently reside with you in heavenly places beyond this first stop. Your plans for us merely begin here in this place of training and trial. You're sorting the seed which bears the resemblance to the heart that gave birth to it from the seed that would bear the fruit of this world. Only the seed of your pure and sinless heart can be planted in your eternal garden. The rest, diseased by sin, must p...

Christ's Forgiving Compassion

There are times when we walk this life among grave consequences and are only separated from them by momentary decisions. There's a power in this world that seeks to devour us spiritually and pervert even our best intentions toward unholy goals. Our only surety, our only protection is in our consecration and devotion the one who's power can never be shaken and who's righteous plans can never be perverted. Even those who do not share the revelation of our God are subject to the same destructive intentions of the evil that roams the world we live in. But their blindness leaves them vulnerable to perish in unfathomable horror depriving the Father of His fondest desire. This life is not given as a game to be played by careless boastful people living for worldly gain or seeking to prove their skill with words that cut hearts to bleed. Those who do these things are missing the purpose for their creation. They lack the revelation of the truth of our God. Don't be dismayed if ...

Renewal And Refinement

Lord, the excellence of your plans for us far exceeds our ability to comprehend at times. But your faithfulness and your good intentions toward us can never be questioned if we know the truth of your heart toward us. You have not hidden the love in your heart for us, but declared it in your word. You've shown it to us in the creation around us and in the continued maintenance of the delicate balance of all that exists in the universe to sustain our mortal lives. If we recognize that our current existence is only a temporal opportunity to gain the refining work of your hand in preparation for the eternal life you have promised, then we begin to see things with different eyes. Your eyes Lord. The plans we make for this life are based in a perishable existence. But your plans are always as eternal as you are. You created us in your eternal image, but the bodies you gave for this moment of refinement are mortal and limited. The perspective of our flesh is as limited as these bodies, ...