Let's face it,... we're not perfect.
As followers of Christ, we may be criticized for our faults by others who make the false assumption that we're suddenly supposed to be perfect because of our profession of faith in Christ. But don't let the false expectations of others who would mock you derail your growth or breed guilt and condemnation in your heart...
We all have a past and we all occasionally wrestle with finding ourselves falling short of who we ideally wish we could emulate perfectly - Jesus. But in truth, the renewing of our minds is a transformation, an ongoing process that will continue until our time here expires. Our repentance for those occasional missteps and Christ's provision of grace leave us free of the guilt and condemnation we would otherwise be subject to. So take heart. Look up and smile with a heart full of gratitude for what the Lord's doing in you!
The path of transformation - becoming more like Christ, is an individual journey. It's one we take with the perfect teacher, walking with Him daily. We may come together with others from time to time along the way, but we should never measure ourselves by others or defeat our will to continue by not measuring up to someone else's expectations.
Remember, Jesus didn't reject Peter who later became an Apostle, when he cut off the ear of the high priest's servant, or kick Thomas out of the company of disciples when he suffered doubt. He didn't reject Mary Magdalene, a former prostitute because of her past. Jesus loved them all and continued to share their company, teach them and move them along in the process of transformation. He doesn't reject you either. As you submit to follow Him and repent of those missteps along the path, His provision of grace is intended to cover you as you learn and grow.
He may bring things to our attention from time to time, but Jesus is pointing out those imperfections, not to judge them, but to call our attention to the next flaws He wants to address and correct in us. Those moments are opportunities for growth if we're willing to pay attention and submit to His work to further transform us. So be glad and be grateful for the correction! Choose to take the freedom route rather than submit to guilty condemnation - it's not yours to carry. He already did.
Jesus doesn't reject you or condemn you. Neither do I. So move forward!
Micah 6:8 (NLT) "No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."
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