There's an aura around the greatness of God that I cannot touch with words to adequately relate. If you've truly spent any time in His presence, then you know exactly what I'm talking about. But if you haven't, then you're missing out on the most precious thing this life has to offer - and exactly what we were created to enjoy...
If you consider that everything in the nature of the world around us, this planet, all of the others and the wonders of the heavens beyond were all created by God, then you begin to touch on His massive ability to create. But then focusing on the complexities of just one of the tiniest fragments of near creation around us, say a leaf, or a bug, contained within nature, explodes manifold any sense of the scope of one's imagination to contain the full measure of God's own imagination and creative ability. One human being can't possibly contain a full accounting of the knowledge of what He has done that we could learn of. The human mind can't possibly contain it all, but yet, our God knows every minute detail of it all intimately...
...And with that, the human mind begins to know God. His massive presence exists in space that we can't even find the boundaries of. His beauty is revealed in wonders that we can behold that remain untouched and untainted by man's hand - from the grandest landscapes to the tiniest fragments of nature rendered pleasantly to his or her amazed eye. The feel, the fragrance, the sound - it was all created in detail with one intention. It was all created for us, His children, by our loving Father.
Now we begin to see His heart. Consider that being the Creator, Father God could have made us any way He wanted and placed us anywhere without regard. What we know and experience could be quite different. But wherever we are and whatever we have encountered, both in hardships and joy, we remain undeserving recipients of blessing just to have been chosen to exist and experience the wealth of His creativity and the precious wonder of His presence.
Let all of our self consideration be set aside for one moment to consider the gifts we have never been worthy of and the hand of grace that has served them to the undeserving creatures that we are, purely by His election. From the tiniest complexities and simplest of things to the terrible price that was paid in the loving and grace filled hope of our reconciliation to Him, let our thanks be genuine to the God who offers it all without any obligation on His part.
We are truly blessed beyond our worthiness regardless of where we stand in any given moment and we owe a debt of gratitude such that our offering in return can never be reconciled to be equal against the wealth of what we've received in His grace. But He desires to hear it from honest hearts. I pray that our encounters with Him are constant, our observation of the depth of His grace is true in its accounting, and that they are always preceded with an outpouring of heartfelt thanks for what we have already received.
We have lived... let us be genuine in our gratitude.
Micah 6:8 "No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
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