the count of your blessings far exceeds the measure of our gratitude
daily. Their number escapes our conscious comprehension from moment to
moment. From the daily provision for our human weaknesses in your
creation to the faithfulness of our hearts of flesh to beat each
second you are conscious of our need.
Lord, if
we were truly aware of the expanse of your provision and planning for
our growth and existence, we would be on our knees before you with
thankful hearts both night and day. Our will would be surrendered
without event or consideration to your own because you are the
unequalled source of our blessing.
there can be no repayment equal to your consideration of us. Your
thoughtfulness as God on our behalf could never be matched by human
effort on any level. You alone are God and we, your own possession
are merely the very creation of your great hand and there is no creation
greater than the Master who crafts it.
Lord, my
only comfort are the tears of gratitude that fall with great weight
in your worship and that you hold in your hand as the evidence of my
hearts true intention. Oh my God, I pray that you find them pure and
that they find their way to be met in your heart with great pleasure.
I pray that they have some value to you my God.
the suffering of my humbled heart in the shadow of your greatness and
generosity can only be rewarded beyond measure if the sincerity of my
thankfulness in earnest spirit and in truth have the power to bring
a smile to your great and Godly face. For there is nothing that I can
offer that you have not given me in grace.
Lord, I
pray with all my heart that the true sincerity of your children rises
up as a sweet aroma to satisfy and pleasure the nostrils of the God
who reigns in pure goodness without limit over all that exists. And
that our cognizance of your generosity becomes the fuel that fans the
blaze of our offering to sincere praise and worship.
it's not important who I am or who I will ever be, only that you are
recognized for who you are, who you have been and forever will be.
For you alone are the omnipotent God of goodness and generosity
beyond our ability to truly comprehend. And it is you Lord God whom
we owe a debt of love we cannot repay.
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