Deep into the book of Exodus in the bible, God begins to give Moses instructions for building His Tabernacle - His traveling Holy Place. All of the details were exact and the list of materials were things that served God's purpose and things that obviously gave Him pleasure or He would not have included them in His project. So it is with us...
I've read the account of the constructing of the the Tabernacle before and found the long list of details far less exciting and less interesting than other passages of scripture. This time though, as with others when reading the Living Word, I came to a new realization that made the text come alive to me in a way that made this somewhat laborious passage come to reflect a truth far more exciting. This Holy Place made to host God's presence on earth was designed to move and to be portable from place to place on the journey to the promised land, was constructed of the finest things, and was no doubt very beautiful - though hard to fully imagine. All of the needed materials to build it came completely from free will offerings. The tapestries were woven together with the finest colorful threads and hung with rings of gold from strong standing poles that were overlaid with gold and set in firm, solid, fine metal bases, etc... So it is with us.
The instructions for building the Tabernacle came at a time when God made a covenant with the children of Israel while on their journey to the promised land. And while we're currently living under the New Covenant of available grace through Christ, the instructions, craftsmanship and precious materials of God's current tabernacle are still no less amazing, impressive... and currently employed... So it is with us.
Reading through the book of Exodus and observing all of the descriptive direction for the materials and the details to be used for everything from the priest's garments to the ornate construction of the Tabernacle, we begin to realize pretty clearly that the Lord appreciates and enjoys colors and finer things. He enjoys things that are precious to Him. So it is with us.
As we freely submit to offer our hearts and surrender our will to accept God's instruction and methods for construction, together we become marvelous to behold. As God chose Bezalel to direct and manage the skilled craftsmen in the actual work of creating the Tabernacle in the wilderness, the Holy Spirit manages and performs our construction Himself as we allow Him. He begins the shaping of our hearts, minds and lives into something beautiful that gives God pleasure - a place that He desires to inhabit.
No two of us are exactly identical. Our personalities and qualities differ - giving God a variety that He enjoys as we lend ourselves as raw material to become fashioned by the Holy Spirit into becoming something holy, as God is holy. We're becoming something like the colorful threads, the ornate fixtures, and decoration, based in the Truth, that gives Him greater and greater pleasure - His personal treasure and place of habitation... So it is with us.
As we submit honestly and willingly to His direction... the Place Of Meeting mentioned in this same book of Exodus... is also now new in our hearts as we travel as His Tabernacle toward The Promised Land. Only because of Jesus is this possible and only as we surrender and submit ourselves to His working and direction. We're made to be moved... So it is with us.
We're the most precious raw material to God that He's ever created and the one that He desperately desires to work with and enjoy relationship with. Jesus proved this, but He can't begin unless we offer ourselves freely and yield ourselves seriously, and completely to His hand... So it is with us.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
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