"Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14(NLT)
Some will cite that verse popularly in social media as we're witnessing society's further decline into perversion and immorality. The only concern I have is that the prerequisite to the promise of forgiveness and the restoration that it contains is seemingly overlooked or taken far too lightly,... because there can be no realization of the promise without submitting obediently to what God requires of us first.
It becomes an interesting study to not only search out God's promises, but to identify what He requires of us in order to own any and each of them. For every promise that God offers, there's a qualifying requirement or condition that has to be met - a prerequisite.
For example, take the first part of that verse "Then if my people who are called by my name..." That promise applies only to His people... Are we His people? There are even requirements of us in order to be counted among His people. What the uncommitted might read with cursory interest, while looking for a prize to hold up momentarily, may hold a key they may miss that unlocks the actual treasure. In this case and fortunately for us, Jesus made a way for us to enter that eternal nation, set apart as its citizens, and in a more personal standing,... as His own children and people.
"will humble themselves"... In this day of boasting, the adamant declaring of rights, pride and the chasing of a litany of lusts, humility seems to be far removed from the minds of so many people. Is it possible for anyone to actually receive what The Sovereign God's offering in this promise without first surrendering to humble themself? Is it likely that the nations of the world will find the strength of character in this day to humble themselves before God in reality? As individuals we may not be able to turn the nations of the world back to morality and godly wisdom, but as individuals we can submit to repent obediently where needed, fulfill His requirements and bear the fruit of His promises in spite of the world's nations, even while residing in them. What He may choose to do through us and in us then, could bear far more fruit than simply reciting a popular promise.
"and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways"... The nations of the world, lost in the addictive pursuit of pride, power and pleasure, and being lost in those passions, are far from God and far from qualifying to receive the forgiveness and restoration that He's offering. Repentance - the turning away from sinfulness and wicked ways is required and the hope that nations would find the strength to do that in this day is pretty likely non-existent. As individuals though, we each have that choice to opt to submit, acknowledge God, seek Him out, change our own direction, and become citizens of the highest eternal nation - His people. When we give God what He asks we unlock the power of His promises. Expecting the fruit of His promises without submitting to His authority is the opposite of wisdom.
God tells us in scripture what He's willing to do, but if we're willing to look, we'll always find the qualifying "IF" connected with it that must be fulfilled by us in order to receive what He's offering. We can read, recite, write and even expect God's promises endlessly... but unless we're willing to do what He requires, we might as well be trying to paddle our canoe upstream, in rapids,... without an oar. It's hopeless.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
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