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The Wellspring Of Worship

 One of the more common features of American Christian churches is the time set aside for the musical worship of our God. And I wouldn't dare to attempt to take anything away from that worthy practice, but while we might sing ... would we be focusing on the music ... or the words?

Does music and singing automatically worship the God of the universe just by following along with the words and lifting our voice in chorus ... or does real worship require a little something more? Is it a mere musical performance or the attempt to convey our deepest convictions to the Omnipotent King Of The Universe? Do we think about the meaning of words - both before and as they pass from our lips? Do they have personal meaning and the intent to relate something from deep within our own hearts? Where is the wellspring that would truly honor God found? It's found in the wonder of true courting relationship.

When Jesus Christ returns for His bride, everyone - all people everywhere, both believers and blasphemers will have no choice when confronted with the greater reality of God's truth, but to acknowledge that He is LORD. There'll be no escaping or railing against the fact any longer for even the most radical disbeliever. At that point, everyone will recognize Him. But among those that will consider themselves as His bride in that critical moment, how many will actually have an intimate knowledge of Him or any kind of ongoing, real relationship with Him? Will they be able to truthfully say that they know Him? Or more importantly, will He say that He knows and recognizes them as His most beloved betrothed?

What happens in that moment will be the most critical point of anyone's human existence. At that moment, everything will hang on what HE says - the summation of the fulfillment of our purpose to have been created by Him, whether having met that purpose or failed it, will be forever spoken ...

It's important to note that we worship God not just by the songs that we sing, but by everything that emanates from the spirit that God placed within us when He gave us life. Whatever we consciously think, speak or do, relates something to our Omniscient Creator. It's all saying something to the Living God. We're either worshiping Him by the way we think, speak, and what we do, or we're relating something in defiance of His Majestic Sovereignty and Lordship. So, going back to that all important moment - that most critical moment when the sheep are separated from the goats ... what will HE say?

Will our hearts, minds and bodies have spoken of our love and desire for Him truthfully - acknowledging all that He is and exalting Him as He truly is?

As we worship, I insist that those words delivered from our hearts with intention will outweigh even the most beautifully played melody to His heart if delivered truthfully and with true loving intention. I would dare to further assert that if we were to take those same proper words of holy worship to our prayer closet and merely speak them truthfully to Him in private without music and mean them, that we have worshiped Him. The words can matter mightily ... but only if we mean them with true intention. I believe though, that we can only truly mean those if we know Him because relationship is everything and that knowing Him causes the words of worship to spring forth, flowing truthfully from our hearts without effort because of the wonder and absolute beauty of who and all that He is. I promise fully and without hesitation that daring to step out in faith to truly connect with the person of Christ has no worthy human description for capturing the soul fulfilling experience of that relationship as it grows.

So, at Christmas and always, as we herald and reflect on the birth of our all Holy And Eternal King and Savior, reflecting on all that He has done - the unmatchable demonstration of His humility in coming to rescue His bride from among the world of men, sing as His loving bride. Sing with the heartfelt intention of a true lover - focusing on the meaning of every word and delivering them with a true loving heart. 

If this proves to be a challenge, then I invite you to dare to know Him better because I'll boldly state this emphatically forever...

...To truly know Him is to love Him deeply because of the wonder and beauty of all that He is. And the better one knows Him, the more deeply one will be drawn inescapably to love Him with holy passion. This relationship is where the wellspring of true worship is found.

 "No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."  Micah 6:8 (NLT)



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