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Showing posts from 2021

Generations Unchained

Being unchained - loose from restrictive bonds and possible confining attachments might sound like a "good" thing and in certain applications which might seem appropriate for the use of those words, it might be. But mankind has proven repeatedly and seemingly endlessly, that for him, how we use freedom... can be a really bad thing. We're witnessing the reward of generations largely taught to disregard and disrespect the platitudes of bygone eras. So many people are operating without the constraints of a moral code or the confining barriers of social etiquette and the results - the product of such unleashed and degenerate lifestyles focusing on self gratifying thought and freewheeling conduct are evident on such a large scale that the future, when thoughtfully considered and remaining unchanged, should be obvious and more than deeply concerning. The trend today appears to be toward a popular distancing from anything of the past and the history of hard learned lessons that ...

Talking Heads ... Talk

In this age when so many talk without honor or substance, the value of much talk is diminished to be near worthless. So, let our actions in this life bear witness to speak of our convictions for us - without direct conversation - until such time that the beauty of Jesus' character demonstrated through us draws them near to inquire who He is.... J.H. Talk, talk, talk, - that's what talking heads do... ... We're incessantly bombarded with opporunities to be swayed by diatribe, innuendo and attention grabbing pitches. They're talking on tv, radio, the internet and in print and talking is what they get paid to do. It's their job - work in return for money used to pay their bills and support their lifestyles. And when it comes to what they choose to talk about in order to progress in their employment and enrich their own lives, the scarier, more graphic, obscene, or concerning they can be to in order to catch your interest, the more money and power over the air they can ...

Finding The True Spirit Of Christmas

This season that we set aside as a special time to remember and celebrate Christ's birth is a struggle for some...  Many things have passed in the lives of each of us over time and some of those things as we pause to consider them, might also give us pause to grieve or question God - maybe only secretly in the deepest recesses of our hearts. While some may find only cause for joy, wonder and excitement, there will be others suffering the weight of loss, loneliness and sadness. While some will be able to focus on the wonderful gift of God's grace and sacrifice to redeem men to Himself, others will be wrestling with guilt, addictions and anxiety. For those suffering or just struggling through life, there may hang a single question separating them from the God that they wish they could embrace fully, leaving them distanced if only somewhat, from the spirit of joy and peace that should reign at Christmas. That question - "God, why?" Some of t he possible answers to what m...


Essential Meaning of privileg e 1 : a right or benefit that is given to some people and not to others.  - Merriam-Webster Privilege is a word of sudden social notoriety. It's used much more commonly in the world of popular worldly conversation today. It's become a word sparking some divisive conversation. It's been used to carry accusation, intended to bring shame and regret, and has ignited anger for some. But putting aside the worldly conversational value of the word, I'd like to call attention to the value of that word in a realm outside of the cauldron of mankind's arguments and divisiveness. As Christ followers, we have privilege that we need not be ashamed of because God's made the rights and benefits that He offers available to all of mankind - regardless of their current race, color or creed. But even though we carry a wealth of privilege, it's sadly true that we may not clearly recognize the full value of it in our daily lives, much less take full a...

Sober Words

Sacrilegious : committing or characterized by sacrilege : having or showing a lack of proper respect for a sacred person, place, or object.  - Merriam-Webster Dictionary This is long, but my passion regarding this subject has long tired my patience. Sacrilege ... it's an uncommon word in our day, but one that could unfortunately be applied almost endlessly ... even among some professing Christians. It's a word whose meaning may bring a sober reckoning on the day of the Lord's accounting - the day that He'll do justice to His own reputation and divine majesty. And if we're not concerned about committing the meaning of that word now, ... we will be then - when we can't change what we could have done differently when we had the chance. The world we're living in is in many cases unkind to the truth - not recognizing or perhaps just not accepting that the truth the world may revile actually holds it's future destiny. And  I can't avoid being troubled by c...

Getting To "The Church" On Time ...

"Church".  It's a common noun that gets used frequently, but what is it really? Some think of it as building, a place of worship, or perhaps just a place. Others might think beyond it being a place to see it as a religious group, organization or institution. It's my opinion however, that the true Church, far from being a building or a human organization led by men, is a living, breathing entity - originated, inhabited and led sovereignly by God Himself. "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."  Matthew 16:18 (NKJ) I assert that the church that Jesus referred to - God's Church, lives without the necessity of a building. The true church is a living entity that survives by filling it's lungs with the breath of God on a regular basis while constituting it's life on the essence and edicts of His Spirit and heart. And that it naturally bears fruit born of h...

Dividing Division

 "Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude. Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t retaliate with insults when people insult you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God has called you to do, and he will grant you his blessing."    1 Peter 3:8-9 (NLT) In this current society, Pete's wise and instructive words could be so easily overlooked or just plain discarded hastily in the pursuit of so many available arguments, irritations and outright offenses. But as Jesus followers, if our mission and goal is follow Jesus - trying to speak and do as He would do, ... well, we have our work cut out for us - because He left some pretty clear footprints. These days watching the news or sampling social media has become an exercise of enduring divisive assault along with a sideshow of people clamoring for attention. To a good heart it's become a tiring work ...

The Choice

"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.' Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit." Isaiah 14:12-15 (NKJ) The Lord God in His omnipotent sovereignty and according to His plan, laid down an eternal challenge before He even created mankind. It's a choice that requires a response from every individual born into humanity. It's the choice to either submit to Him and His sovereignty completely or to be consumed by death because of our choice to make our lives completely void to His purpose in giving us life in the first place. And every human being will have responded to the choice...

The Escape ...

True to tradition I'm long winded, but the point is worth making if it stirs one heart to repentance ... "Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person."  Genesis 2:7 (NLT) What we can know right now with our own human eyes and ears is that we live in a world lost - a world full of suffering, disease and evil. It's a world that once knew nothing of suffering, disease or evil, but it's now suffering all of these things because of a destructive cancer that mankind himself allowed into the world by - choosing to sin. That one choice brought God's judgment against the species of mankind for that one choice made in defiance and disobedience against the God who created mankind for Himself ... and it's only resolution carries with it a judgment of death - ours. The truth is that every child of mankind born since Adam and Eve made that terrible decision in th...

"God Said ..."

From the beginning of time God's said and related many things in order to create - bringing into being things that didn't exist prior, and also to give man knowledge of the ultimate truth. But somewhere along the way, what God's said and is still saying, seemingly lost it's power ... but only in the minds of some preoccupied and ignorant men. "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. ..." Genesis 1:1-4 (NLT) ... But there are those that say that God doesn't exist and that the earth, everything in it, and indeed all of the heavens, essentially created themselves. "God is not a man, so he does not lie. He is not human, so he does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised a...

Life's Reflections And Examples

 I think there are times when some of us might forget - overwhelmed by all of the evil and trying things in the world, why we're here and who we are if even just temporarily. But one thing I can assure you of, is that there's one who never does. We might be brought to think of Him when called to worship or if we come across something or someone that spurs our thoughts toward Him, but He never has to be reminded of us or of what His heart desires and longs for from us - our love and attention. His heart waits, longing to hear us call out to Him ... "Let me hear of your unfailing love each morning, for I am trusting you. Show me where to walk, for I give myself to you." Psalm 143:8 (NLT) The sweet innocent laughter of a child - something that touches the heart of a loving parent deeply, is no less endearing to the heart of the divine Father. The tender sweet words of a faithful, selfless lover uttered with passion are no less impacting and profound to the heart of the d...

A Resonant Understanding

Sometimes out of nowhere someone will say something that sums up thoughts or understanding that I've carried with me for a long time, but have labored to convey myself. When it happened this morning, it caught me off guard and thrilled my own heart because it reiterated a perspective that I've carried with me for years, but one that I don't hear often with the same clarity or emphasis as I did this morning. I participate in a morning bible reading group every week, Monday through Friday. For about a year and a half now, we've read one chapter online together every morning for about a  half hour   and shared our thoughts and perspective regarding what we've read. One comment made after reading the sixth chapter of Ephesians one morning summed up a message and perspective that the Lord put on my own heart long ago and it's one that has some serious implications for hearts and minds drowning in current worldly cares and consumed by this temporary life. The comment:...

The Reflection In The Mirror

  ethos  noun : the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution. Synonyms for ethos: ethics, morality, morals, norms, principles, standards - Merriam-Webster At the center of every human being, behind every emotion, bias, desire or habit, there's a core foundation - a set of basic principles that tend to guide everything else in that person's life. A wise person will periodically walk their responses and reactions to life back to determine where and what their foundation is and whether those reactions and responses are honoring what they claim to hold true of themselves at their core.  It's an examination of one's own true face - one that God can see clearly without any possibility of our   self  employed deception, cloudiness or distortion. It's who we truly are. I've been forced to do it many times in an effort to be honest with myself about who I am, where I'm standing and where I'm headed. ...


"And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him." Hebrews 11:6 (NLT) I'm not about to preach religion here, I'm all about "relationship" with the God that created you and me and what He requires of those who want to know Him and have relationship with Him. You may follow any sect of Christianity or none at all, but unless you have a relationship with God based on His requirements as opposed to just practicing a religion, or nothing at all, you might never actually know Him ... but you will answer to Him. The "altar call" - I've heard it so many times. My first memories of it began in my youth and it was repeated for years in different church buildings that I've attended in the past. It was the call to anyone desiring to accept Christ as their Savior - to come forward and have the opportunity to be prayed with - often to repeat ...