ethos noun
: the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution.
Synonyms for ethos:ethics, morality, morals, norms, principles, standards
- Merriam-Webster
At the center of every human being, behind every emotion, bias, desire or habit, there's a core foundation - a set of basic principles that tend to guide everything else in that person's life. A wise person will periodically walk their responses and reactions to life back to determine where and what their foundation is and whether those reactions and responses are honoring what they claim to hold true of themselves at their core.
It's an examination of one's own true face - one that God can see clearly without any possibility of our self employed deception, cloudiness or distortion. It's who we truly are. I've been forced to do it many times in an effort to be honest with myself about who I am, where I'm standing and where I'm headed. I've not always liked what I've seen, but the exercise has given me the motivation to work to change and to set some personal goals for growth toward a particular image - an ethos without blemishes or defect. That ethos? The ethics, morality, morals, norms, principles, and standards of Jesus Christ - HIS distinguishing character.
I don't believe that we can achieve real progress toward that image without His help or that it will come without real effort and sincerity on our part. I also believe however, that God is always waiting to partner with us in that effort and that as we walk forward through this life in true and active relationship with Him, we find ourselves changed. It's the continuing process of sanctification.
Like anyone else, I still have a long way to go to achieve my goal of seeing Christ's perfect image in the mirror, but being actively partnered with Jesus, I know with great gratitude that when Father God looks at me - He sees Jesus. And being in loving partnership with my Savior brings a strong desire to be pleasing to Him, which brings continually stronger motivation toward the changes needed to reflect the image that I desire to see when I look in that mirror - His.
We're none of us perfect - As we endeavor to follow Christ and walk with Him we'll recognize that and discover more about ourselves than we ever knew - but it's not condemnation we experience from Him. It's a continual invitation to better reflect His image - one most pleasing and precious in Father God's sight. So as He reveals things to us about ourselves we need to actively engage with Him in His effort to work in us and to be courageous and happy - He's doing good things!
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