In a world that seems to be more than capable of finding itself in increasing trouble, we as true followers of Christ could find a cause among the countless made available to be taken with worry or fear - but we'd be forgetting, if even for a moment, who we are if do. It's so easy these days to get caught up in the promoted fear mongering and the challenging things of this world ... and let our grasp on our true identity slip in the process.
But to lose our confidence, even in this world's darkest hours, might mean that we've lost our focus on the unshakeable anchor of our hope and confidence. And if that's true, it's time to reexamine where we've placed our faith in that moment of fear. If we were to put our faith and confidence in mankind or anything in this world, we would have good reason to be afraid. Man is endlessly fallible operating in the realm of his own powers and reasoning and the world that he's created around himself is broken and most certainly destined to fall. We know this. And if we dare to place our faith there, we earn the right and deserve to be well afraid. Who would dare to risk placing their faith in anything other than the omnipotent God who reign supreme and favors them as His own children?
15 For I am the LORD your God, who stirs up the sea, causing its waves to roar. My name is the LORD of Heaven’s Armies. 16 And I have put my words in your mouth and hidden you safely in my hand. I stretched out the sky like a canopy and laid the foundations of the earth. I am the one who says to Israel, ‘You are my people!’”
To lose our confidence as we walk through this short time in this world, would mean that we've lost our focus on the One who reigns above it all and holds us close as His very own precious children. We're graced heirs of God and conquerors through Christ who already reigns victorious.
"Remember the things I have done in the past. For I alone am God! I am God, and there is none like me. Only I can tell you the future before it even happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish." Isaiah 46:9-10 (NLT)
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"Stand Firm"
"The world may seemingly close in around us and the skies grow threateningly darker, but this illusion does not give us cause for despair. Because as darkness seemingly grows, the light of heaven grows brighter and the God who reigns sovereign and omnipotent does not change in His tender and jealous passion, nor His mercy for His children. Where WE walk, ... darkness fears to tread!
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