There's a lot of concern out in the world right now and the USA isn't immune. Many people are being forced to confront an illness that's carrying a lot of fear with it. It's an unfortunate and in some cases, tragic event. But it's not the first. In the history of this country, many things have presented challenges that have impacted its people in serious and threatening ways. There have been numerous times over the many years that this country's existed that our security, stability and health has been threatened in serious ways. So I think two questions need to be asked: Are we still here? And why?. Of course we're still here, but the bigger question of why is one that hope requires an answer for.
We're still here because in the past Americans were taught who the ultimate source of their security and provision is and they had reverence and respect for Him. They also came together and fought side by side - not against each other but against their common enemy. Whether the threat be human, famine, financial or illness, they came together and through grit, determination and innovation they did what was within their power to conquer. And we're still here.
This is not a new thing that we're facing just now, just one that we've forgotten with the passage of better, more pleasant days - days given to us in grace. They've been days that we should be thankful for and days, that with the Lord's will and blessing will return to us again if He chooses to give us the grit, determination and innovation to face the common enemy and conquer once again. Remembering the source of our security and provision is the place to start, but then coming together reasonably, supporting one another as a common brotherhood united in Christ and equal countrymen, patriots and warriors, will allow us victory over this current enemy also.
We need to remember those things that we seem to have forgotten as a nation and put our house in order. We'll then be able to face this challenge like those in the past. We'll rise to the occasion together under the grace of our Provider and Protector and face it head on or we'll fall together without it. This challenge isn't the first, just one more to add to the list of those we've encountered and conquered together under the God our nation seems to have forgotten.
In this fight we walking with Christ currently are a part of a nation within a nation. We're the warriors connected to the one source whose benevolence is required to do what we in this smaller nation of mankind can't on its own. Our position of strength is on our knees as intercessors like Moses, Daniel and so many others before, seeking God's unmerited favor for a wayward nation to rise and conquer... But also praying that He is glorified through it, and above all else... "Thy will be done".
"E Pluribus Unum" (out of many, one) and as one, "In God We Trust".
We're still here because in the past Americans were taught who the ultimate source of their security and provision is and they had reverence and respect for Him. They also came together and fought side by side - not against each other but against their common enemy. Whether the threat be human, famine, financial or illness, they came together and through grit, determination and innovation they did what was within their power to conquer. And we're still here.
This is not a new thing that we're facing just now, just one that we've forgotten with the passage of better, more pleasant days - days given to us in grace. They've been days that we should be thankful for and days, that with the Lord's will and blessing will return to us again if He chooses to give us the grit, determination and innovation to face the common enemy and conquer once again. Remembering the source of our security and provision is the place to start, but then coming together reasonably, supporting one another as a common brotherhood united in Christ and equal countrymen, patriots and warriors, will allow us victory over this current enemy also.
We need to remember those things that we seem to have forgotten as a nation and put our house in order. We'll then be able to face this challenge like those in the past. We'll rise to the occasion together under the grace of our Provider and Protector and face it head on or we'll fall together without it. This challenge isn't the first, just one more to add to the list of those we've encountered and conquered together under the God our nation seems to have forgotten.
In this fight we walking with Christ currently are a part of a nation within a nation. We're the warriors connected to the one source whose benevolence is required to do what we in this smaller nation of mankind can't on its own. Our position of strength is on our knees as intercessors like Moses, Daniel and so many others before, seeking God's unmerited favor for a wayward nation to rise and conquer... But also praying that He is glorified through it, and above all else... "Thy will be done".
"E Pluribus Unum" (out of many, one) and as one, "In God We Trust".
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