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Showing posts from January, 2018

Moment By Moment, Choose Well ...

There's no lack of abundant reasoning, no shortage of cause to find fear in the days that envelop us one at a time presently. There's an ever present cloud of concern, a dense fog of uncertainty that's waiting to enshroud anyone willing to just breathe it in with an abundant fear. For those without hope danger lurks stealthily waiting for its next victim. But for those intent on willing submission, discipleship and obedience to our Father God, a sure and certain hope is unendingly abundant. As His children, we are not victims ... In all that we may find to contend with in this life and all that may seek to come against us, our peace is found in the knowledge of our adoring true Father whose wisdom, power, mercy and grace to raise up His children is without limit and whose kingdom knows no outer boundary. As His children, our victory in this life is already sealed. So whatever may purport to challenge us here with an intent to conquer is truly only challenging the omnipo...

I Wonder...

I Wonder Lord ... Could what should be a passionate embrace of spirit, an enraptured eternal relationship born of loving gratitude and unbounded adoration ever fade to become something less? If so Lord, where would the continuing exultation in our breathtaking salvation be found? Where could it go? Your promises and the triumphant shouts hailing your victories on behalf of mankind still echo across the unending expanse of the heavens. And yet I wonder, could the magnitude of your grace involved in our eternal deliverance ever be lost on us? I fear to wonder... For by your mercy, time passed now no longer holds a measure of threatening justice against us and the freedom and life of eternity wrought by redemption will last far beyond the reach of these days. Is it possible for a mere life of days to overshadow the gift of a life of eternity? I wonder still... Had we been only physical prisoners - convicts sentenced to death with our necks stretched out across the chopping block ...

I Believe...

I believe... just two words that give rise to an expectancy of some declaration - some statement of personally accepted fact... Out of some random curiosity I typed those two words into a search engine and a compilation of things came up - from songs to declarative articles from a number of persons and various organizations for my purported and intended edification. But what do I believe? I could say that I believe anything. I could say that I believe this or that... but what if I couldn't say those two words? To take it a step further - what if I couldn't use words in any form to state what I believe? What then? How would I convince anyone of what I believed to be true?  If I couldn't speak or write a particular conviction, I suppose I'd be forced to convey my personally confirmed bent in some other way. Perhaps acting it out would produce the desired effect and make the necessary transference of my conviction to speak for me. After all, it's said that ...

My Hope For The New Year

I apologize in advance if what I'm saying here is redundant to what you already know, but even if it is, I think the subject is worthy of repetition.  I say this as a friend to any who will listen and as a former convict of my own words...  There are many who've confessed Christ that feel as though they've had "religion" force fed to them that though they may not actively deny or reject their previous confession, they shy away from fellowship or active participation in practicing the tenets related to their confession. I know they exist because not only have I been one of them in the past, I've also met a number of them. My intention is not to confront them here, but to plead with them to consider a few things...    To begin with, I'm sure this isn't true of you, but if you're just exercising the ceremony of a religion", there's a possibility that you may have missed the point and goal of your God given purpose to have life. The L...