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Showing posts from January, 2015

Weighted Thoughts

Lord, In the midst of darkness, the great mystery and beauty of your character shine beams of righteousness, purity and holiness into the darkest corners like a beacon of life ... your perfection has no equal in all that exists You are the origin of wisest counsel offering the keys of satisfying life to any who will listen and the examples of your character are life giving to those who follow ... yet men of dust seek to prove their own wisdom You are the Creator and source of all that is truly good. The fruit of your Spirit is the essence of all that is true beauty and the desired goal of good hearts to replicate ... yet men still lust after things that decay You have given life to all that lives and all that you have created obeys you save only some that you have given that choice. But in the end, you will not deny yourself justice ... choice is responsible to destine a foretold future You walk among the stars and they reflect your glory. All the bodies of heaven orbit ...

We Will Abide ...

Sovereign Lord, There is no horde or multitude at the height of their power that can prosper against you. No gathering of angels or fiercest beings that exist can withstand the withering power of your gaze. You have no worthy competitor or true challenger to your omnipotence. You have the power to give birth to amazing galaxies in the heavens and to make them vanish again at your will. Those things in the farthest reaches of the heavens obey you without hesitation and you are sovereign in your power to rule over all that exists. So who is mere man that you should regard him in any way let alone cherish him so highly? In spite of his unworthiness, in all of your works since you created all that we can see, you have made provision to sustain him in your humbling grace and mercy. Yet among man's ancestry of the ages and even now, there are those who deny you. And with their words they seek to make you disappear like smoke in the wind or the morning mist in the presence of the ris...

His Strength Against My Weakness

I thought after I originally posted this that it might be better if I explained a little about what inspired it. It wasn't inspired by some big failure that I'm aware of. It's that lately I've come to recognize with more emphasis than ever as I spend more time focusing intently on the vastness of our God, that everything about me is so insignificant by comparison. My plans, my wisdom and my strength don't even register on that scale. But even so, He knows everything about me in the most minute and intimate detail. And still, knowing all there is to know, He loves me deeply. While I make plans for moments, months or even a few years regarding issues that are subject to decay and change, He makes unchangeable plans that span thousands of years with eternal results. I find myself at times thinking about the things that the Lord mentioned in His conversation with Job and realize that I, like Job, really know so very little. I am so small, so frail and limited by true ...

The End.

I've been watching something for a long time, years in fact. It's something that's had an effect on me in no small way, and an effect that I've come to question the healthiness of at times. I don't think that my awareness of it is coincidental. Rather, I think it's by design that it draws my attention. But in what way am I to respond? What purpose drives it? I'm comfortable that the Lord knows well and I've also become comfortable that He also will not let me be overcome by its weight. After all, He won't give us more than He also gives us the means to carry. In this I'm confident, so I plod onward waiting to see His particular purpose in it. Maybe it's just this ... I've felt drawn to watch what I will call the spiritual pulse of not only our nation, but perhaps with somewhat less inspiring interest, the world as a whole.Ever since I become aware of the new testament and the truth that will reign over the future, I've never felt ...

The Agony Of Patience

Lord, your mere presence is the inspiration to more than any heart can hold. The beauty of your character moves us beyond the formation of words to express. The power of your presence prospers a humble man in tears of gratitude and the wake of your Spirit moves generations to worship you in rivers of life. The sun, the moon and the stars reflect the mere shadow of your glory from great distance. Your Spirit serves to quench our thirst much more than a cool pure stream in the heat of the desert. But how long must we wait to behold you in glory? As a man of sorrows you came to give life and joy to multitudes greater than the number of grains in the sands of the earth. And so we long now to wash the feet of our Savior with the tears of our gratitude and kiss the hands that offered the peace of our God to mankind.. Can there be any greater agony than the growing anticipation of meeting you face to face in your glory? Longing grows and desire will not be bound until we see you in your ...

The Year Of Opportunity

Psalm 33:6 (NLT) "The LORD merely spoke and the heavens were created. He breathed the word and the stars were born." Who among us can say what exists beyond the reality of men other than what the Ancient has told us? I AM is not bounded by the reality of men, but creates as He will. What will we behold in the future beyond what we've seen here? The God who breathed the universe with all of its fantastic wonders into existence is not limited by our imaginations, but is majestically sovereign to create an eternity that we can't even begin to imagine. The God who creates stars, moons, planets and everything in them holds ready an eternity for His children the likes of which cannot be imagined by man. I believe firmly that the life, that reality in eternity, is the life that He purposed to create us for - not this temporary one. I believe that He has rich purpose in this life to grow our character and refine us by His Spirit in preparation for the life He intende...