You are the hand that carved out the
oceans and canyons and piled high the pinnacles of the mountains. You
are the creator and the life force of everything that lives. From the
simple complexity of the uncountable leaves of everything that rises
from the earth to the incredible marvel of all living flesh, you are
the artist and creator who imagined it all. Your genius is
indescribable and good beyond measure.
You are the majestic, awesome and
mysterious wonder of the night sky. The marvels of your character are
as without limit as the canvas of the heavens you created. Your will
alone is the power that holds the heavenly bodies in place and gives
permission for stars to fall my omnipotent Father. They dance at your
whim and twinkle with delight in your presence.
Your spirit is the cool rushing
mountain stream that gives life and refreshment to the face of the
earth cascading over the high places and thundering as it falls. It
washes away the debris of this life and in your time, smooths even
the hardest stone hearts and shapes living pathways that only it can
Your life is in the cry of every
newborn creature and your spirit in the tenderness of a mother's
heart. Your boldness is in the heart of every man who stands against
the overwhelming oppression of loves' enemy in just and righteous
cause. You are the undeniable source of all that is eternally good,
omnipotently powerful and truly wise.
There are no words or salutations of
men just or worthy to describe the greatness of your glory, but the
sweet song of your immeasurable humility rings out across the
universe in the greatest volume in a song that you sing over lowly
creatures such as us. It's a song you sing to the unworthy, the
fallen and disgraced. It's melody gave light to the sun and set all
of creation in motion - it's the song of your love for us.
My heart cannot find words my God to do
justice to the depth of my gratitude for the honor you bestow on me
to be called your child. Great and awesome Spirit who walks among the
stars and gives birth to all things great and good, I know not what
brings your affection or even your notice to such a creature
fashioned from the dust of the earth. But in all humbleness of heart
and spirit I give my thanks in unending worship and praise for as
many moments that eternity holds. My heart and my love are yours
forever ...
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