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About This Love Thing ...

 This is about my love for my God and the people of His heart's desire (whom I love also in Christ's heart) and my brokeness over the love relationship that I know could be theirs if only their perspective were the same as His...

Love is a word that's used carelessly by some at times in our day. It's meaning on occasion even being perverted to be used as a substitution for the word lust. But love in it's true meaning is a very powerful thing when shared between two people. Real love between a man and a woman can become a sacred thing as each honors their commitment to the other not only in deed, but in spirit also in a marriage relationship. It becomes the binding tie that leads each to seek the affections of the other and also to seek to meet the needs of the other selflessly. As each moves to fulfill the needs and desires of the other, it becomes a rewarding cycle of offering and receiving between them that perpetuates itself to grow constantly stronger between them. As each partner seeks to selflessly meet the needs of the other, they find their own needs met by the object of their affection. It becomes a sacred relationship wrapped in trust, faithfulness and loving tenderness.

But if one of those people betrays the love of the other, the fury and the brokenness that ensues can quickly turn the relationship into a devastating war zone filled with anger, jealousy and even hatred. There's a phrase that speaks to the result of such betrayal: "hell has no fury like a woman scorned". But I would suggest that the fury of heaven will show itself to be far greater still in the day of judgment and for the same reason ...

If you've made honest effort to study the Word of our Lord, then you should have a pretty good idea of our Father God's heart and affections toward us. You should also realize that His purpose in creating us was for Himself - because He desired to have a relationship with us. Not for our own pleasure or so that we could engage in a lifelong treasure hunt on earth. So anything that violates the trust, faithfulness and loving tenderness of the relationship He created us for has the ability to provoke a similar response to our scorn... from God Himself.

In broken relationship there's often much deep pain, anger, grief ... and jealousy. Jealousy has become a word often used with disdain. The words "You're just jealous" or "I don't like it when you act jealous" would seem to give jealousy a negative meaning. But in the right circumstances jealousy can be righteous and well deserved. If you're not sure about that, consider Exodus 20:3-6:

3 "Do not worship any other gods besides me. 4 "Do not make idols of any kind, whether in the shape of birds or animals or fish. 5 You must never worship or bow down to them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations. 6 But I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations.

I'm one given to believe that we can learn much of our God by His design not only from His word, but also by our experiences in our surroundings here on earth. I believe that the things we experience in relationships amongst ourselves can teach us things that can reflect truths about our relationship with our God. If for example, you've felt the pain of rejection or the unfaithfulness of someone you've loved, then you have a basis to begin to understand in a smaller amount how He feels in a similar situation ... with you and me.

If you've ever had occasion to feel the insensitivity or unfaithfulness of another, take the pain of that moment and multiply it by the generations of a thousand years or even five thousand and you will begin to understand the depth of His love, undying hope and faithfulness. From the beginning of man's infidelity in the garden of Eden until now, the collective weight of the pain of man's transgressions against the God who lovingly created him have been felt by the heart of the very one who's loving imagination conceived of him. But in His pure holiness, righteousness and perfection He patiently bears the pain and suffers to persevere to love us still ...

Where is the righteous response of men to the faithful love of God's heart toward them? Is it in the hollow words recited in moments of obligatory worship or in the quiet moments of honest tears of brokenness for the offenses to a heart that desires only to love us? Is it in the deeds of men whose motivations honor themselves among men or in the selfless acts of love toward another whom God cherishes when no one else knows? Is it in the insensitivity of those who know, but choose to ignore God's wooing or in the hearts of those willing to bear the disdain of any man to reveal the depth of their love and tender adoration for Him? We know the truth...

Whoever we may have become in this life, whoever we claim to be, whatever we claim to live for, we were created for one purpose and born into a marriage contract to become the bride of Christ. This is why you live. Anything outside of that focus and priority in our lives and any other worldly care, desire or distraction has the potential to lead us into peril as the children of Israel found out:

Ezekiel 6: 5-10, 5" I will lay your corpses in front of your idols and scatter your bones around your altars. 6 Wherever you live there will be desolation. I will destroy your pagan shrines, your altars, your idols, your incense altars, and all the other religious objects you have made. 7 Then when the place is littered with corpses, you will know that I am the LORD. 8 "But I will let a few of my people escape destruction, and they will be scattered among the nations of the world. 9 Then when they are exiled among the nations, they will remember me. They will recognize how grieved I am by their unfaithful hearts and lustful eyes that long for other gods. Then at last they will hate themselves for all their wickedness. 10 They will know that I alone am the LORD and that I was serious when I predicted that all this would happen to them."

... this being the righteous reaction of the God who created them for Himself and who warned them before hand ...

"I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not share your affection with any other god! I do not leave unpunished the sins of those who hate me, but I punish the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generations."

They were told the truth from the beginning. They, as we, were warned. The prime directive, priority and goal of every life that He's created was revealed...

Deuteronomy 6:4-5, 4 "Hear, O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD alone. 5 And you must love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your strength."

... and when we honestly begin to respond, the cycle of true and faithful loving relationship has its everlasting reward by HIS faithfulness to respond in unennding return...

Deuteronomy 5:10 "But I lavish my love on those who love me and obey my commands, even for a thousand generations."

If your love, knowledge and understanding of His heart doesn't move you to depths that disregard the limitations, obstacles and hurdles that the enemy would use to limit your response to the heart of the loving God who created you for Himself, (fear of reproach or disdain, worldly intellect, laziness, etc), then I ask you to consider how well you really know Him. The marvels of His love and grace are beyond any joy, any hope, any peace and any other pure and holy thing we could ever find in anything else. If you're not experiencing it for yourself in your own life, then I would suggest that you're missing out. If this is the case, I would ask: have you responded to Him with deserved passion? He's already made the first move. Your honest and sincere response is the key to beginning the eternal love cycle with Him in true relationship.

Given that the Word of our Lord says in Romans 1:20 ...

"From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities -- his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God.",

... I would say in addition that knowing Him, we have no excuse for our failure to seek Him out to respond to His great heart.

The truth is plain and simple:

We were created for Him, by Him ... and outside of Him everything else is meaningless. We have a sobering and fearful choice to make in this life to either respond to His love - returning it in the wonders and joys of everlasting relationship with Him - or to suffer the wrath of His jealousy.

This is His sovereign perspective ... and our eternal choice - made now and demonstrated in the moments we walk the face of this earth...

I may not know you, but I know Him and I know His heart for you. Because I love Him and am tender to the desires of His heart, I love you also. So I ask you in sincerity, please, if you don't share an honest relationship with Him - for His sake and for yours ... make it real whatever the cost!!!


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