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The Heart Of My Love And The Seal Of Approval

The Lord spoke something recently to refresh my own heart that I would like to share with you in the hopes that if you have struggled in similar ways that I have, you might find the courage that belongs to you in Christ ...

I'll start by asking you this: what inspires overwhelming passion in you? What is it that moves you more than anything else? Please take a moment to consider ... Usually these are the things that we value most highly. They're things that we're connected to in deep ways that inspire powerful conviction and emotion in us. They're things close enough to our own hearts that they can move us in ways that nothing else can. They're things that we hold personally sacred.

In my own little world, my family, my eternal family in Christ, and on a higher level, my God top the list. But there used to be other things mixed in as well. They were aspirations and goals that I set for myself, material things, and things that I felt I needed to prove to the world ... maybe even prove to myself. In days gone by there were many other things on my mind ... but that was before I got a glimpse of "reality".

Reality ... is a word that has different meaning to different people based on what they consider to be of value and what they consider to be true and factual. But for myself the reality I work to achieve in my own life these days is one that in many ways is in deep conflict with the reality of my past. In fact it doesn't even belong to me as its author - I didn't create it, it was created for me. It's a truth and set of unchanging facts that existed before me ... and before any other human beings alive today and it hasn't yielded or changed from the beginning of man's time on the earth.

But of those truths, one of the facts that I hold extremely close and value so very highly, even sacred, in the reality I live now, is that of all of the things that He could choose to love in the universe ... I ... am ... my God's passion. As His child ... so are you! There's nothing He will withhold from us as His children in terms of blessing or things that are truly good for our eternal soul. We are at the top of His list. Of all that He loves and all that He has shown tremendous passion for throughout the ages, since He created this world, we, His children, are His greatest prize and passion. We're what He's deemed worth making such incredible investment in as powerful and awesome God that He is. It was for us that He created and sustains this universe full of awesome wonders and beauty. It's for us that He's offered all of the wisdom, guidance and correction to protect us and to give us the opportunity to flourish eternally. He's sustained us, pleaded with us, blessed us and patiently doted on us from the beginning of our creation. And to insure that we have an opportunity to continue to survive to share a relationship with Him, He made the ultimate and most sacred sacrifice. This not only to sustain the possibility of our relationship together with Him forever, but also to show how much He values and loves us. This is the heart of our God for us. This is the One who woos us tenderly and calls us into relationship with Himself in the hope that we'll choose Him with the same passion and respond accordingly.

It seems clear to me that one of the biggest problems that many of us have as a people struggling to survive in this world is in recognizing the truth of our God's reality and accepting it as our own ... completely. Part of the reason for the problem is that we've witnessed our own short comings, our own failures and our own sins ... and we remember. But the truth is, that if we've asked for His forgiveness, as surely as the Lord almighty lives and reigns, He's forgotten them completely, and He'll never remember them again. It does not matter who YOU are or what YOU have done. He chooses to do this so that He can continue to hold us close in loving relationship with Himself. His relationship with YOU and me is His passion.

A part of our problem with our ability to forgive ourselves and also to believe God's faithfulness to forgive us is that we live in a world that has such a tendency to be unforgiving. The world around us seems to take more pleasure in condemning and finding fault than in forgiving. So in real relationship and with a tender heart toward our God, we may have trouble forgiving ourselves. This in part because forgiveness, real forgiveness, isn't a common part of this world's mentality or habit. It's not likely what we experience more commonly while living here as resident aliens. In fact the world tends to lick it's chops for an opportunity for the opposite to exist and will more likely than not seize the opportunity to point out or even just remind us of our flaws. At times we may even experience this in our relationship with brothers and sisters in Christ. This might be because they've forgotten something, but if we've honestly repented and sought His forgiveness for our errors, we'll never experience this from our God. His heart is to forgive us whenever we ask sincerely so that He can continue to hold us close.

In Jeremiah 1:5 our Lord told Jeremiah

"I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world."

If He knew Jeremiah before he was born, then in His omniscience, He knew us also. In fact He knew everything about us. He knew before-hand the reality of Paul’s words later in Romans 3:23

"For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard"

and that's why He had a plan in place for our redemption from the beginning. Paul refers to this as Gods' secret plan throughout the New Testament. Romans 16:25 "God is able to make you strong, just as the Good News says. It is the message about Jesus Christ and his plan for you Gentiles, a plan kept secret from the beginning of time."

Our Lord knew before we were born that we would struggle with the reality of law. He knew we weren't perfect when He created us, but He created us perfectly according to His plan. Paul says this about the law and our struggle with it in Romans chapter 3:

19 "Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses and to bring the entire world into judgment before God. 20 For no one can ever be made right in God's sight by doing what his law commands. For the more we know God's law, the clearer it becomes that we aren't obeying it. 21 But now God has shown us a different way of being right in his sight -- not by obeying the law but by the way promised in the Scriptures long ago. 22 We are made right in God's sight when we trust in Jesus Christ to take away our sins. And we all can be saved in this same way, no matter who we are or what we have done. 23 For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard. 24 Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty. He has done this through Christ Jesus, who has freed us by taking away our sins. 25 For God sent Jesus to take the punishment for our sins and to satisfy God's anger against us. We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us. God was being entirely fair and just when he did not punish those who sinned in former times. 26 And he is entirely fair and just in this present time when he declares sinners to be right in his sight because they believe in Jesus. 27 Can we boast, then, that we have done anything to be accepted by God? No, because our acquittal is not based on our good deeds. It is based on our faith. 28 So we are made right with God through faith and not by obeying the law. 29 After all, God is not the God of the Jews only, is he? Isn't he also the God of the Gentiles? Of course he is. 30 There is only one God, and there is only one way of being accepted by him. He makes people right with himself only by faith, whether they are Jews or Gentiles. 31 Well then, if we emphasize faith, does this mean that we can forget about the law? Of course not! In fact, only when we have faith do we truly fulfill the law."

"For all have sinned; all fall short of God's glorious standard" but then, " Yet now God in his gracious kindness declares us not guilty."

What a powerful reality! What a gift of compassion and grace to those He holds such passion for. We have freedom from guilt and condemnation from the sins that we've committed and we can stand blameless in His sight. He chooses to remember our sins no more. But, there's a danger if we forget that we've sinned.

The gift of Christs' sacrifice is not a gift that lasts for only a moment and is due only a moments' gratitude. It's an eternal gift and therefore one due our eternal gratitude. But if we ever forget our forgiven debt, the sin that keeps us humbled and grateful in our posture before our Lord, then how can we be truly grateful and truly humbled before Him? Make no mistake, I believe fully that we're forgiven and free of condemnation and I don't believe that we should continue to punish ourselves for what no longer exists in God's sight. But I do believe that if we ever forget the magnitude of His grace toward us individually, there are consequences.

There are some who like to focus on "feel good" messages that may not like what I'm saying here, but it doesn't negate the truth. If I forget the mountain of debt that was once my own and the payment that was mandated by our God to be exacted for it, then my relationship with Him and even with His people will suffer for it. If I forget, then the meaning of the cross, Christ's suffering, and the loving generosity of our Father's heart pale in me along with my gratitude and humility because of them. I will fail to have a proper posture and brokenness before Him and I will fail to have the honest and sincere response to His mercy. So my countenance before Him will likely be one lacking the proper gratitude and humility that He deserves. As the old saying goes, "no one likes an ingrate" and if you'll remember, we were created in His image - our ability to have emotions came from Him. On the level of such great importance as what we're discussing here, we cannot afford to send a message of ingratitude or arrogance to the Almighty God of the universe for such an awesome and eternal gift.

1 Peter 3:8 "Finally, all of you should be of one mind, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds." and 1 Peter 5:5 "You younger men, accept the authority of the elders. And all of you, serve each other in humility, for "God sets himself against the proud, but he shows favor to the humble."

We have so many reasons to be humble and forgiving also. Here's just one of many examples ...

James 2:10 - 13, 10 "And the person who keeps all of the laws except one is as guilty as the person who has broken all of God's laws. 11 For the same God who said, "Do not commit adultery," also said, "Do not murder." So if you murder someone, you have broken the entire law, even if you do not commit adultery. 12 So whenever you speak, or whatever you do, remember that you will be judged by the law of love, the law that set you free. 13 For there will be no mercy for you if you have not been merciful to others. But if you have been merciful, then God's mercy toward you will win out over his judgment against you."

Humility and humble spirit are common themes that our Lord stresses throughout scripture. It's because we have a place in the universe before Him and it's not one of equality to Him. But if we forget our sin, our sentence, and the gift of His grace ... we'll have a harder time finding it. Arrogance and condemnation toward others for the sin we ourselves once carried will come much easier to us and will live to be our offensive and repulsive spirit - a filthy stench in the nostrils of our Lord. In part it was Christ's humility to suffer and sacrifice His own life that saved us and even though He is the awesome Son of God, it was a humble spirit that He demonstrated for our example as He walked the earth among us.

There are some who have struggled to gain approval in order to feel accepted and have some sense of self worth or value ( ooh ooh Me! Pick Me!). In my former reality, I invested much in gaining the approval of people in general. It was important to me to not only meet the expectations of the people around me, but to exceed them whenever possible. I struggled with my own value and self worth, but this was due in part because I failed to realize the identity and value that is mine by our Lord's grace. I'm still continuing to learn who I am in Christ, but much is also clear. The value our God chooses to place on each of us was worth Christ's willing sacrifice of His own life and the Father's suffering to allow it to save us. And if you're struggling to gain our God's approval, I believe you already have it.

Think about it, why would the unlimited, all powerful God possessing all wisdom create something He didn't want? He created you because He desires you. And if you've heard His calling and have responded to accept Christ's atonement for your own sin, it wasn't by accident. It was because He purposely gave you revelation that secured you in His house forever because He wants you not only now, but forever. You have been created, chosen and accepted by the greatest power in the universe. You have His approval. When you really think about it, what greater approval could you possibly need?

So often some of us may feel the need to have the approval of other beings that are just as flawed as we are and we're encouraged to feel that way by the world. The world today has this whole system related to material possessions, appearances and levels of coolness that we must have in order to have its approval (most all of it's all related to just getting your money by the way because that's what it values). But God chooses us just the way we are. He maintains that He created us perfectly and that all of the worlds junk doesn't matter to Him. In fact, it just clutters our lives and complicates our ability to focus on what's really and truly important. So what's up with the need to have ..., the need to look ..., the need to drive ..., etc? And who's opinion really matters anyway? His? Or the worlds (remember, the world's mentality is not under the rule of our God at the moment)? The two aren't related, in fact they're not even close to being friends - they're enemies. By choosing to follow one, we make ourselves enemy of the other. I'm sure that you know which side of that battle line you want to be on ...

How many people intimately familiar with all of your past flaws and sin in your lifetime have willingly and knowingly sacrificed their own life to save yours for eternity? How many of them were mere mortals? So why do we tend to place importance on the value of what "they" think? We know for a fact that if our God has said it, then it is absolutely reality and that if we repeat it or live by it, then we're merely echoing the actual real truth. So why do we care what the world would have to say? It's not we who are deceived at that point, but the world in it's own arrogant intelligence. The world and the father of it's thinking will pay the price.

But you, you are an example of your Father's glory - chosen to reign in heavenly places by the creator of all that exists. You are heavenly royalty and heir to the kingdom of the most high God who will survive the day of judgment to be lifted up and joyfully exalted by your Father in that day. When the earth and its wisdom perish and are consumed by the wrath of our God, you will be standing by His side rejoicing that He chose you and gave you revelation of His calling and the wisdom to respond - that He gave you His seal of approval ..


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