Lord, no one can tell another of the individual path in this life that you will choose for them unless you give divine knowledge - the one by which you will lead them to truly know you better and to refine the character of their spirit. Your plans are your own and your wisdom beyond our capacity to predict. You alone are the omniscient God who crafts the pathways of men who follow you in order to respond to the deepest needs that we have not the wisdom to even be aware of. The trials and triumphs you make available to each life are as unique as those you have chosen to create because you alone know the full measure and ways of refinement necessary to mold each of us futher into your image. But all of the paths you chart for our lives lead us in the same direction. If we choose to follow them in sincerity and faith, the path you choose for every life leads us to the feet of your throne. The hills we are made to climb and obstacles that you set before us in this life are never to c...
A much loved spiritual mentor pointed out to me the difference between the Apostle Paul's past will (a life without Christ) and His new will that evolved after the Lord called Him. He then challenged me to define what my own new will would say... ...let my response be found here...
"It is not the title that people give to themselves that defines who they are; it is the fruit of what they produce." Graham Cooke