YAHSHUA, you are the unlimited power that created all that we can know and beyond. You are the awesome and infinite force of creation and the one that wields all power in heaven and earth. Yet as awesome and unbounded as you are, at at the moment I came to live, it was your breath in me that gave me life because your heart desired to know me.
The planets and stars were placed in the vastness of the universe by your great hand alone. The powerful sound of your voice alone keeps them suspended in place and sustains the order you have commanded. Yet you humble yourself to desire and value so greatly the love and relationship of every one of the lowly spirits of men that you created.
In your omniscience, you know the source and vastness of the oceans and all that lives within them. You keep track and record all of the history of the earth and all that lives within it including the caotic world of men. But in the midst of all that you know and do, you place great value to know the number of hairs on the head of the lonely beggar on the corner.
Your accounting began before time and will continue throughout all of eternity to add to your infinite knowledge. From the moment the very first drop of rain fell on the earth until now, you have known the number of them. But the count of drops you hold most precious and dear are the tears that fall of a single repentant and broken heart before you.
Your ears have heard the sounds of all creation from the beginning of the world and have captured all of the din of earth and of men. The deafening sound of it is to great for us to even imagine but you hear it in total. Of all that can be heard through the noise, you hear the silent cries of the single heart that searches for your own in repentance and call it the sweetest sound.
Great and awesome God over all that exists, you need for nothing. Your majesty, power and greatness over all that is is too great to be spoken in summation by any creature. You reign supreme over all that exists. Knowing this Lord YAHSHUA, your humility to die for even the single lowliest of the creatures that you call man in the hope that you might call him friend is too awesome and great for us to conceive. And as you are the great God that you are, it lives forever as an example of loving and intimate humility that we could never achieve.
So we cry great and unmatchable is our God forever! There are none worthy to stand to be measured against even the greatness of your shadow! You are the author of all that is truly good and your love, your mercy, holiness and humility are too great to be measured! So greatly honored far beyond what we truly deserve are we that you would even desire to know us! There are not words Lord, to describe the depths of our gratitude for your love and your mercy, but forever we will praise you with the best of all that we may know!
So we cry great and unmatchable is our God forever! There are none worthy to stand to be measured against even the greatness of your shadow! You are the author of all that is truly good and your love, your mercy, holiness and humility are too great to be measured! So greatly honored far beyond what we truly deserve are we that you would even desire to know us! There are not words Lord, to describe the depths of our gratitude for your love and your mercy, but forever we will praise you with the best of all that we may know!
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