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Showing posts from February, 2011

Are We Incomplete In Our Faith?

As Christians we acknowledge our sins and our need for Christ to be our Savior. By faith, upon asking His forgiveness, accepting His sacrifice for our sins and asking Him to be our savior we have salvation. But is our salvation really just beginning at that point? I agree that our souls are saved, but is there more to it? More to be saved from? I'm convinced there's a lot more to it! We're born into a world that has had centuries of satan's negative influence. It pervades so many aspects of the world's thinking and it has a lot of influence in limiting Christians, and in some cases completely robbing them of their identity in Christ. We learn the facts of life - things that just are. These are the laws of nature and reality in the world that as we grow - we come to know as limitations that we are bound by. If you do this one thing, that will happen every time. What goes up, must come down. It's the order of things in the world, it's the reality of life. We...

What Is The Truth Of Our Identity In Christ?

Are we not men and women inhabited by the great and holy spirit of our God? Why would any powerful Christian question the worth or value of their prayers when they were answered? Please understand that I don't have complete victory over what I'm about to talk about here myself. But as I'm becoming more fully aware of the enemy's influence, I'm seeking our Lord and Master desperately for His help in these areas, not only for myself but for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. From the early beginnings of man in the earth, our enemy, and enemy of our God has certainly done his best to disillusion us, deceive us and outright destroy us. He does his best to keep us from recognizing the power of Christ in us and to minimize our belief in our authority in Christ. Throughout His word, our Lord has made known to us who we are in Him and what His promises are. We have no reason to ever doubt what God's told us. But in spite of what He's told us, I'm struck ...

Me & Jesus

You might laugh at me for this. I know that it doesn't sound very "manly" and it might even sound a little silly. But however you see it, it's a glimse of my heart. If you think about it, maybe you'll agree that you share the same real desire I felt when I saw it. The other day as I was driving to work, I was communing with my ever present, yet unseen passenger, when I came upon a sight that touched me deeply. But first, let me share the fact that my single greatest and sincere desire in the life of this spirit our Lord has given me, is to be nestled against the breast of my Lord. This is something I think about often with great longing. Imagine the safety, the incomperable comfort and fulfillment, the total completeness and wholeness one would have cuddled up against the breast of our God and Savior. This is the single greatest desire of my heart. Now, back to my story. As I said, I was sharing time in meditation and conversation with our Lord as I was driving...

YAHSHUA Omnipotent God And Intimate Lord Of Humility

YAHSHUA, you are the unlimited power that created all that we can know and beyond. You are the awesome and infinite force of creation and the one that wields all power in heaven and earth. Yet as awesome and unbounded as you are, at at the moment I came to live, it was your breath in me that gave me life because your heart desired to know me. The planets and stars were placed in the vastness of the universe by your great hand alone. The powerful sound of your voice alone keeps them suspended in place and sustains the order you have commanded. Yet you humble yourself to desire and value so greatly the love and relationship of every one of the lowly spirits of men that you created. In your omniscience, you know the source and vastness of the oceans and all that lives within them. You keep track and record all of the history of the earth and all that lives within it including the caotic world of men. But in the midst of all that you know and do, you place great value to know the number...

Let Us Pray to Pray

Lord God Yahweh , always, as we bow our heads to seek your will, give us revelation and remembrance of your greatness over all that is and of your unlimited and Holy power to respond to our prayers. Grant to us true and clear remembrance and knowledge of who you are so that our prayers may properly enthrone and honor you first in all of our requests. Give us hearts and minds not only completely surrendered to your heart and desires, but committed to them in place of our own. Give us the words Lord as we pray to you that will alter the course of this world and the reward of our brothers wandering in the darkness of the enemy's plan. Put on our lips and our minds the words that will break the hand that shields their eyes from the truth of your existence and all that you have spoken. Give revelation to our hearts and minds of the prayerful words that will allow your glory and power to be revealed in the world in greater measure as we bow before you in reverence. Grant us Lord, in yo...