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When Disappointment Threatens (revised and reposted from 2016)

  Most likely we will encounter things in life that don't go the way that we think they should and in some cases they will happen in sharp contrast to what we would ever wish. Contrary to our own desire the end results might even be painful and in our own view, tragic. Yet as God's children we're taught that He loves us deeply, so while these things are happening ... where is He? In former life I was brought to wonder about this question myself more than once. In the absence of a divine revelation at those times, I would eventually seek to develop my own theories - theories that at times took the form of shameful accusations for which I harvested deep regret when later and purely out of an act of His grace, He later allowed me to understand some of His reasons for His decisions. Being human, fully endowed with limited human wisdom and understanding and limited abilities to control some of the conditions and situations around us, we find ourselves heavily reliant on God'...
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The Word Come Down...

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Christes Maesse

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Feeling Gratitude?

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Divine Appointment

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