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Divine Appointment

 A term came up one morning during a group bible reading and my mind got a little hung up on it. It's something that I've heard a number of times over the years, but that morning I decided to pursue those two simple words to flesh out the depth of their meaning when they're presented together. It just felt like one of those moments when the Lord may have been baiting me into a moment of exploration and a conversation that bears a point - a message of particular importance to me. As always, He was just waiting for me to stop the busyness and enter into a conversation.

I believe that we if we are truly in Christ, truly surrendered to Him, that we should come to expect those moments of particular opportunity - moments when our Father in Heaven might speak something of interest and importance to His child as a loving father might do because of the fruitful, life rendering nature of their relationship - father to child and child to father they are able to experience life together. In our true eternal case, it's the relationship between the perfect Father and the Father-redeemed child - one that should become a wellspring of awe, love, respect, devotion and gratitude for the child who knows His Father and engages in the relationship with true sincerity.  

Because of God's grace and His deep love for us, moment by moment we should have expectation of His involvement in our lives. I'm not suggesting that we should suppose that every event in this life is His intervention, but our expectation should be that as we are faithful to respect, to love, honor and obey the Lord our God, He is is watching over us and is with us as the constant divine loving Father that He is through both the good and the bad that we encounter in life.  

The words "divine appointment" can be used to describe a meeting or event arranged by our God. It can be a meeting between two people or an event that God in His wisdom intends to affect, direct or redirect the path of someone's life, but the most meaningful divine appointments that I've been a party to, the ones that cause my heart to thrill, the ones that I yearn for...

                       ... are those appointments that He calls me to with Himself.

There is nothing on earth that is more indescribably wonderful than surrendering - melting unashamedly, in the presence of the Holy Spirit of The One True God. Nothing is more powerful, more awe inspiring or completing than being surrounded by the weight of His presence. That experience becomes a holy addiction - one that we were designed with and created to bear and one that we can only experience more fully by completely surrendering our everything unashamedly to the God who created us for Himself alone - not for any other earthly purpose. 

This kind of divine appointment with our God is one that He's continually calling us to on His terms. The decision of whether or not to keep it - to enter in free of self, position, possessions, or pride is ours, but it requires submission. That's something stiff necks may find hard to offer. Submission to our Creator - acknowledging His complete and total sovereignty over everything that exists including us and worshipping God as He is - not as we might be tempted to try to remake Him in our minds, is an invitation we make to Him and one that draws Him to inhabit our praise. But in reality it's an appointment that He called us to first. And it's an appointment that He gracefully keeps with us divinely.

"He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justly, To love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:8 (NKJ)

“And now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you, but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways and to love Him, to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the commandments of the Lord and His statutes which I command you today for your good? Indeed heaven and the highest heavens belong to the Lord your God, also the earth with all that is in it."  Deuteronomy 10:12-14 (NKJ) 


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