"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Genesis 1:1 (NLT)
Have you ever stopped to consider everything in your life - what you have, what you do, what you use, what you value, and then challenged yourself to trace it to its true origin - to its raw beginning?
Everything we see, hear, feel, - everything, that affects our senses, has a root component. Tracing its parts to the rawest of composition will bring one who believes what God has said to a humble conclusion. As much as man may pride himself on this thing or that, there's not one thing that can't be traced back to something that God provided, not one root component that Omniscient God didn't bless us with in creation, not one effort that God did not provide strength or talent for, and not one living thing that God did not give life to ... including the man who boasts of his accomplishment.
The man who builds a house does so with materials and components derived from what God provided, with a body that God created and gave life to, and with skill and talents that God endowed him with. At the end of the day, will that man boast of what "he" accomplished? Or will he give the credit and offer gratitude to the one Source that made it all possible?
I've known our God for a very long time, but there was a time in my life when I lost my focus and subsequently lost everything, except for family and my God because of pride and my failure to give proper credit where it was due. Business, equipment, home, vehicles, - all of it. The Lord made me keenly aware of my error and I consequently repented. He once again became my primary focus and I realized that contrary to worldly values, I was far happier. In the end, I realized that that was the point of what I went through - regaining my first and most important love without all of the clutter and giving credit where credit is due.
I had begun to cherish too much the things that HE provided rather than HE that provided them. He misses us when we've had close relationship with Him, but then drift pridefully off and let our values shift and our focus wander off onto other things. I realized in the end that anything that we let come between us and Himself is what we stand most to lose. WE put it at risk. It all went away - home, cars, motor home, business, equipment, etc. ... and in the end I remembered that I still had the only thing that could ever truly satisfy every need and fill the void. Our God is jealous for us and has a right to be - He created us for Himself. Anything else in our lives has to be a distant second.
Our God is our true source of provision - including correction for our eternal profit in His eternal economy. We can "lose everything" and never lose anything of true, lasting value if we have Him. Nothing else compares to The Source Of Everything.
All honor, power, glory, adoration and gratitude is His due.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
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