"They defiled themselves by their evil deeds, and their love of idols was adultery in the LORD’s sight. That is why the LORD’s anger burned against his people, and he abhorred his own special possession." Psalm 106:39,40 (NLT)
"Idols" in the reality of God's perspective can be anything that we give more attention or value to than the God that created us for Himself. Given that He created us for Himself, that one relationship, or the lack of it between God and each of us, will rightly overshadow any and every other in importance in that moment of final judgment - just as it rightly should have from the moment that He first gave us breath. What's revealed in that final moment of God's examination of us and our hearts toward Him will be the defining moment of our eternal future.
"Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11 (KJ)
The topics of idolatry and adultery are mentioned in many places in scripture and get my attention when in reference to the relationship between God and His people. I sense God's pain and anger over the rejection and unfaithfulness of His people - His own special possession as I read. We revile the thought of adultery, disloyalty and infidelity in our own human relationships and the immense pain and devastation that it brings. I know in my heart that God's pain, sense of rejection and violation is not so much different than ours would be in His place and yet I wonder how much thought we give to the trust that He places in us. He created us in His own image for His pleasure and has redeemed us with great love and personal sacrifice. I fear that how we honor and care for God's heart by our own conduct and faithfulness matters critically every moment - and much more than we may give conscious thought to.
"You must worship no other gods, for the LORD, whose very name is Jealous, is a God who is jealous about his relationship with you." Exodus 34:14 (NLT)
We have emotions because we are created in God's image. I know that He has emotions - that He feels... and that His heart can be broken. I pick it up throughout all of scripture as I read and am being sensitive to His heart rather than just reading the stories and the recounting of history. That exercise can make reading the bible a crushing exercise at times when considering what He's experienced and continues to experience at the hands of the human beings that He created so lovingly for Himself. We're not God, but allowing ourselves to feel the betrayals to His heart - from before time with Lucifer, through the Old Testament and up through the crucifixion of His Son, may bring us much closer to an understanding of many things about our Father. The perfection of His character, His grace, His willing mercy - His willingness to suffer for us in spite of our imperfection, reveal a courting love story and a heart of desire for intimate and eternal relationship with each of us.
Over and over in Israel's history, God made passionate pleas, warnings, promises and overtures toward Israel - calls to serve Him and to give Him first place in their lives above ... everything ... and anyone else. In scripture, He's made Israel an example to all men. It's an example that exposes His passionate heart and desire for mankind, His desire for complete faithfulness ... and his anger at betrayal, disobedience and rejection. Following the history of scripture reveals that God's heart and plan was never for Israel alone, but for every person that would hear His heart's call and turn to Him in honest submission, obeying that call and the surrendering of one's heart in sincerity.
"But I lavish unfailing love for a thousand generations on those who love me and obey my commands." Exodus 20:6 (NLT)
To love God with all of one's heart is to find true wealth and a love beyond measure, but to betray Him and His purpose for creating us... is to fail both Him and ourselves to our own eventual destruction. It's a choice that WE make and making it wrongly justifies His wrath at one's choice to be forever separated from Him. It would be our choice to spurn Him, becoming forever lost to His purpose for having created us and it would be made in spite of all that He's done to reveal Himself to us and to show His deep love for us according to His great plan.
What we read in scripture are not just "stories" but the revealing history of who the person of God is, what he loves, desires, likes and dislikes ... and also what He hates. What was written in scripture is a history of what has occurred between God and man, but also a revelation of God, His character, and His desire for mankind. What was written in scripture was written as His appeal to each of us - His courting of us with divine and holy passion...
... And I wonder...
...how are we answering?
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
Excellent Jeff