"They defiled themselves by their evil deeds, and their love of idols was adultery in the LORD’s sight. That is why the LORD’s anger burned against his people, and he abhorred his own special possession." Psalm 106:39,40 (NLT) "Idols" in the reality of God's perspective can be anything that we give more attention or value to than the God that created us for Himself. Given that He created us for Himself, that one relationship, or the lack of it between God and each of us, will rightly overshadow any and every other in importance in that moment of final judgment - just as it rightly should have from the moment that He first gave us breath. What's revealed in that final moment of God's examination of us and our hearts toward Him will be the defining moment of our eternal future. "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." Revelation 4:11 (KJ) ...
A much loved spiritual mentor pointed out to me the difference between the Apostle Paul's past will (a life without Christ) and His new will that evolved after the Lord called Him. He then challenged me to define what my own new will would say... ...let my response be found here...
"It is not the title that people give to themselves that defines who they are; it is the fruit of what they produce." Graham Cooke