Mirror mirror on the wall, where do I actually stand?...
When our understanding is compromised by acquiescence to the stain and fickle vanity of human societal pressure and nature, weakness begins to breach the authority that we were given through Christ and is made more weakeningly full in us. What we were once gifted in strength through Christ Jesus is then destined to become tarnished, weak and waning if we continue to let compromise abide. Only repentance restores us to our true right in the strength of Christ's authority and gifts because God is then faithful and just to forgive the cause of our weakness and restore us. This also speaks to the plight of nations...
Our nation no longer stands on the edge of a precipice, but is descending into chaos because through the compromise of so many, it's divorcing itself from honesty and truth. I think our violations are far greater than we might imagine unless we're continually checking our reflection in the mirror of God's standards and weighing our actions and their initiating motives on the scale of His truth. What we might consider a small deviation or accommodation may appear as something else to the God whose clear eyed view sees only the two camps of willing compliance and rebellion.
It's becoming continually more apparent that the nations of the world, as directed by so many of those in authority, and much of their people, no longer have respect for the mirror of God's standard and have little will if any to check their reflection against it. The summation of that fact being that for the brief moment that we might refer to as this present life, they've tragically lost respect for the Everlasting God who will determine their fate for all of eternity in the end. There will be an accounting by The Judge who doesn't judge according to humanly contrived standards, but His eternal own.
All of this at present portends a coming greater challenge for those who are truly saved by Christ Jesus and have an ongoing relationship with Him. While we know that our sins are forgiven through our belief in Him and acceptance of His sacrifice, our actions and motives should constantly be giving weight to the truth of our belief. If not, then we need to be concerned about what it is that they're truly revealing to Christ. I'm convinced that the days ahead may prove more challenging for true followers of Jesus because much of the world around us is falling further and further away from Him. The times are changing but our adherence to Christ and our conviction regarding God's truth and standards should not change - not only for our own sake, but for those around us and those who may be placing their feet in our own footsteps.
Things may change further in the days ahead and in ways that may be deeply disturbing to the weak and world minded. There may be things that will shake us if we let our eyes and lives drift from the truth, but for those who remain faithful to God's truth and heart, we know that the promises of the unchanging God do not change for those who truly love Him. Be faithful to Him, continually immersed in His words, deeply respectful of Him and everything pertaining to Him, and you'll experience the faithfulness of His promises for you - even if the mountains shake and nations fall into the ocean. We can't afford to be anything else because we're definitely living in "the latter days".
Mirror mirror of God's Word...
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
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