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Showing posts from March, 2023

Mirror Mirror On The Wall...

 Mirror mirror on the wall, where do I actually stand?... When our understanding is compromised by acquiescence to the stain and fickle vanity of human societal pressure and nature, weakness begins to breach the authority that we were given through Christ and is made more weakeningly full in us. What we were once gifted in strength through Christ Jesus is then destined to become tarnished, weak and waning if we continue to let compromise abide. Only repentance restores us to our true right in the strength of Christ's authority and gifts because God is then faithful and just to forgive the cause of our weakness and restore us. This also speaks to the plight of nations... Our nation no longer stands on the edge of a precipice, but is descending into chaos because through the compromise of so many, it's divorcing itself from honesty and truth. I think our violations are far greater than we might imagine unless we're continually checking our reflection in the mirror of God'...