What would we put our stock in if we could only have one choice, but not both - either the meager satisfaction and pleasuring of our decaying flesh, or the divine completeness of walking safely with God in a blissful, unending Father and child relationship filled with unlimited creativity and wonder?...
With so much going on in the world it's too easy for us to get distracted and sidetracked sometimes and if our focus isn't anchored on Christ, our minds are left open to so many things competing for our attention. Our thoughts can be easily overtaken at times by the cares of our humanity - basic physical needs, emotional issues and stress. Or perhaps just an unexpected diversion from what we might consider to be our daily norm. Situations may come up with urgency to change our expected life trajectory without warning, but while we consider and strategize about our response to all of those compelling needs and the tempting urges of our vanities, our God watches to find those who trust and look to Him in faith for Him to provide answers and direction while they continue to walk in obedience - staying the course that He's directed and considering Him first and foremost.
In all of the chaotic clamor of humanity there are no needs that Father God's not privy to or any that He's unable to provide for and respond to. But when we set the eye of our hearts first on the things that WE can do - without remembering Him, we've already taken our eyes off of the the well of perfect answers. And if we question and wrestle with His responses or the seeming lack of them, it's important for us to look inward and consider whether we've inhibited our ability to be heard or whether we've tied His hands that desire to bless us by violating His principles. It's also possible that we may have already gotten His answer - just not the one we wanted. In every case when we seek Him, He responds. If our hearts and lives are in sync with His heart, we know that His answers are perfect - more perfect than our own knowledge and wisdom could provide an answer for. If we truly know Him, we follow His direction - doing our part and leaving the rest to Him without fear - because we know that we can trust Him.
The issue we might struggle with and the test that we endure as long as we wander through here, is the focus of our hearts - whether it be set on the needs and pleasuring of our frail, perishing humanity... or on the God of endless wisdom, wealth and life. He created us as eternal spirits with the intention of bringing us into the unimaginable pleasure of unending relationship with Himself. And if we truly know Him, we know that He sees the bigger picture and that His will and His answers are perfect for us - without flaw.
What would we put our stock in if we could only have one choice, but not both - either the meager satisfaction and pleasuring of our decaying flesh, or the divine completeness of walking safely with God in a blissful, unending Father and child relationship filled with unlimited creativity and wonder? The latter cannot be had without engaging with Him in child-like faith and trust - even when this life doesn't match our expectations or desires. That's something that runs counter to a society that places so much stock in it's own human comfort, abilities and wisdom, but it's also the very thing that a faithful relationship with Him requires... even when our humanity isn't satisfied and our desires get denied.
While we who follow Jesus work to keep our focus toward things above, worldly people may scoff at our refrain from things that our Father's warned us against and ignorantly accuse us of foolishness. They might not be aware that even though we're not placing our priority on worldly things, we already have far more than they know. If we're truly devoted to our God - following Christ sincerely, we certainly do. To walk through the course of this life - through all of it's twists, turns and uncertainties, with the contentment and confidence that a true relationship with God brings is far greater than worldly wealth and junk can buy. So I wonder... who, under the eye of God Almighty, is really being foolish?
God's children are warrior citizens belonging to another place, walking through this battle ground under His direction. Whether we make it to the other side of this place corrupted by human error depends on our focus on Him and our obedience to His direction - truly following and engaging with Christ. There are many who once started to follow, but lost focus and may not realize the fruit of His promises. The best that I can offer is always a challenge to read what He's said with diligence and to focus on HIS lead.
"In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me. I will be found by you,” says the LORD..." Jeremiah 29:12-14 (NLT)
For those who follow Christ, patiently walking in obedience to Him, this may seem like an endlessly long wait. In the bigger picture though, our time in this encasement of flesh is nothing more than a faint vanishing wisp. Add in all of the distractions that appeal to the flesh that our spirits temporarily reside in though and the current battle to keep patient, diligent focus while we're waiting comes into view.
This life may seem all consuming at times, but in the bigger picture, one God stands above all that exists and reigns in sovereign omnipotence and wisdom over all of it. And from the plethora of all that He's created, He's chosen to cherish us so passionately... how do we respond? Do we really trust Him? Where is our focus?
We'll find all of the answers that we need in what He's already told us... while truly focusing on the bigger picture.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
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