The nation known as the United States Of America has always been a mixing bowl - a potential recipient to a presented confluence of ideas and ideology.
The sieve that was once used to filter out those potential ingredients that bore the possibility to pollute the recipe for the safe pursuit of life, liberty, justice and happiness at the forming of our nation was a set of principles agreed to by those present as the Constitution and Bill of Rights were formulated and finalized. Those principles were considered inviolate and critical to the survival of the new society over the long intentioned life of the nation and were necessary for the fruitful and peaceful lives of its citizenry. Those principles became the backbone of a nation - those principles, however many may argue, ... were biblical.
The United States of America has never been perfect - but then no nation on earth, populated by the imperfections of imperfect men has ever been. It's intentions at its beginning though were in the pursuit of evolving toward a perfect standard - the one set forward, perfect and remaining immovable,... by God Himself.
As we watch the forceful stream of self indulgent, willful, pride infested, and volatile actions of the current society struggling to overtake and change forever the fabric of this nation, we might feel at least somewhat, if not almost completely sidelined and unable to stop it. But we need not feign any ignorance to its coming nor to the source from which it flows. We were forewarned of both. We just might not have been paying attention. We're in those "last days" and God's enemy is busy.
The standards and principles that the nation was originally founded on were given for our protection against the evil that currently seeks to overtake it. And if they were diligently held as critical - in whole, and protected as sacred, those very issues would have helped to repel the cancer that now infects it. Whether the understanding has come to the surface yet or not, the United States of America is struggling for its very survival.
We needn't ask why or wonder at its illness. Any nation that claims that it's "Under God" and murders the very children He gives life to cannot expect His blessing, but might be wise instead to expect His curse. And no nation that betrays God's standards and principles should expect the peace and harmony that the adherence to them is intended to provide. The governance of the USA has betrayed the essence of its founding principles and in doing so has asked for this. I believe that its future - out from under God, is now in self inflicted jeopardy.
My thoughts here could bring deep concern to anyone deeply married to this nation, but those who not only claim, but do in fact seek in sincerity to honor God and follow Christ need to adjust their thinking if they become overburdened with concern. While we may live here and are indeed interested and are bound by God's direction to bring positive effect to the health of this nation for His glory while we abide here, we are in fact citizens of a higher, more powerful and forever immovable nation - His. We remain "One Nation Under God" as we continue to honor Him, His standards, and His principles as His people - His nation.
Whatever may come in the future to the nation where we stand, neither our today, our tomorrow, nor any day in our future is threatened or in jeopardy...
...because In God We Trust.
Our hope, our provision, our safety, and our salvation are all in His unshakable hand and our today, tomorrow and every day through eternity is secure. Because as His people - His nation, We are "ONE Nation Under God" alone.
Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit daily and scour the scriptures to know the King who reigns over the nations as we go forward. We'll all stand before Him before long.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8(NLT)
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