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Showing posts from September, 2020

A Life Set Apart

 The potential distractions and available devotions in this life are seemingly too numerous to count and every one of them requires the freedom of choice to pursue. For example, career and life paths are available on varying degrees to almost everyone, but what drives the choices to be made in these things? Could it be money, fame, or maybe just personal pleasure in general? ... I think an individual's personal set of values strongly guides all of those possible choices for most people, but how many people do you suppose ever take the time to really examine their own standard of values and their order of priority? To do so requires some honest, thoughtful soul searching, but since those values tend to be the baseline we use to sift our opportunistic choices through in decision making, their order and priority tend to be critical toward not only the legacy we'll create, but our possible determinate future. Setting them based on the world we now inhabit, we may not know the true ...

Fear And Faith

 In a moment of terror, my earthly fear produces no good thing. In the physical aspect of my life, it might overwhelm my good judgment, my ability to devise an approach to a successful resolution to it's cause and brings destructing harm to my body.  In the spiritual aspect of my life, fear may reveal a hidden distrust of my Father - my divine benefactor, teacher, loving provider and fierce, omnipotent protector.  There are moments in life, that my mind may come to question   if left to wander . But if I belong as a child to the God who reigns over universes and every thing in them - the Ultimate Father, who's professed His boundless love for me, then my only recourse is to force my mind to cling to the truth of His promises and trust all that I am to His care with submission and resolve. There are those who use their free will to do evil in this world with the freedom we are given. There are those who use their freedom to make life and health choices that bri...

Wait.. For... it...

A question begging a moment for a thoughtful reply: How different would life be for us if we lived two hundred years ago? A little slower maybe?... We live in a fast society that caters to our impatience - petting and assuaging it at every opportunity. We're likely moving so fast that we don't even appreciate how fast life's passing.  We're trained by the promotion of a fast moving society to expect fast, so we have fast food, fast transportation, instant communication and fast internet, ... But sometimes patience and expectant waiting bring the acknowledge-able answers that we need most desperately... and haste may cause us to overlook or even just fly past them. I've heard Father God described as being "old and slow" and while I don't dispute that He's existed before time, or the fact that He moves at His own pace, I prefer to hold a different personal description of Him based on my own experience through this ongoing process of sanctificatio...