Let my prayers become effectual to enact the will of Holy God. Let me not wander in many words to no avail, or toward resurrecting my own weakness, but in succinct phrase instead, to invite His power to enact the perfection of His will in all things that I am confronted with, toward the revelation and exaltation of His glory.
God grant me wisdom, understanding and discernment beyond my own weak limits to confront the enemy where he lurks - hiding behind the vestment of many things. And give me legs to stand - bearing full upright within the mantle He has given me, as a testament of His own power and my inheritance through Christ Jesus.
This hour has not come to mankind without holy intention to allow it, nor my life without holy purpose. I pray that in it, both the intention and purpose of the Lord God are fully realized and that the life that He has given me brings Him glory.
His will I pray, above and through and in all things be done according to His own wisdom - including in and through me, as well as in and through this failing world, according to His great pleasure. Let me not lower or drop the weapons He has given me, but instead use them to the potential He intends until the day comes that I hear Him say ... "Well done".
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