If anything that I've done, thought, said, or allowed myself to be a part of is justified by anything other than the sieve of what God has said, ... then it's wrong - It's that simple.
There are a number of things in my past that I can think of that I hope the Lord doesn't ever ask me about ... but what if He does? If my "reasons" for those things aren't in agreement with His judgment (they aren't, or I wouldn't have thought of them so easily) then that's going to be an uncomfortable conversation on my part. I'm forgiven but as I go forward in relationship with Him, I'm accountable for the choices I make...
In a marriage relationship, husbands and wives need to be accountable to each other. If they're not, then I'd be left to wonder if they're really connected - united as one. To claim to hold someone that closely and not consider their feelings, judgment or thoughts would seem contrary. If I love my wife (which I do), then I'll consider her thoughts about the things that affect us both - which is basically everything given that we're bound as one entity and shared life. What affects me affects her and vice versa. If I love her as myself (as I'm called to do), then my natural reaction to things has to become somehow connected to thinking of her. I have to put her first (only after one) and before myself. What will she think? Those reactions and decisions about things in life need to be tempered by my knowledge and consideration of her. But beyond and even before considering those things, my marriage to someone else needs to be considered. Before anyone gets ruffled...
As a Jesus follower and a part of the bride of Christ, there's an even more highly ordained marriage and partner to consider in everything I do, think, say or allow myself to be part of.If I'm to become one - united with Christ in relationship, I don't want to have to answer to Him for those things that I know that He would disagree with. His thoughts, feelings and the way that my life reflects on Him have to be important to me if I love Him as I claim. If they're not, then I'd be left to wonder if I'm really connected with Him - united as one.
The Lord God is Holy - perfect in Himself and lacking in nothing. He's allowed Himself to desire us though (something that might seem a little mysterious to us, but true none the less). All that He's done from the moment creation began is a courtship and counsel of mankind - leading up to an intended marriage with Christ. If we're truly to accept His invitation into that relationship, we have to allow ourselves to become accountable to Him, to His feelings, judgments and thoughts, to consider His thoughts about the things that reflect on us both. That would encompass everything given that we're to be bound as one entity and shared life. My reactions and decisions about things in life need to be tempered by my knowledge and consideration of Him. I have to allow myself to become open and accountable to Him, and Him being God, He has to become my first consideration above any other.
That accountability and the knowledge of it should guide and temper my tongue, the thoughts I allow, the things that I do, and anything that I allow myself to be a part of. If they don't, then I'd need to be concerned about my true connection to Christ. He's the perfect judge, so if anything that I've done, thought, said, or allowed myself to be a part of is justified by anything other than the sieve of what He has said, ... then it's wrong - It's that simple. I still have things to talk with Him about from time to time and to ask His forgiveness for (no surprise - I'm not yet perfect), but His love for me is my security. Because of my love for Him, I've made the choice to willingly submit to be accountable to Christ.
In the end all will be accountable one way or another, but to choose Him willingly is to choose life. So if you haven't yet, please, ... choose to be accountable - He's waiting with forgiveness.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
There are a number of things in my past that I can think of that I hope the Lord doesn't ever ask me about ... but what if He does? If my "reasons" for those things aren't in agreement with His judgment (they aren't, or I wouldn't have thought of them so easily) then that's going to be an uncomfortable conversation on my part. I'm forgiven but as I go forward in relationship with Him, I'm accountable for the choices I make...
In a marriage relationship, husbands and wives need to be accountable to each other. If they're not, then I'd be left to wonder if they're really connected - united as one. To claim to hold someone that closely and not consider their feelings, judgment or thoughts would seem contrary. If I love my wife (which I do), then I'll consider her thoughts about the things that affect us both - which is basically everything given that we're bound as one entity and shared life. What affects me affects her and vice versa. If I love her as myself (as I'm called to do), then my natural reaction to things has to become somehow connected to thinking of her. I have to put her first (only after one) and before myself. What will she think? Those reactions and decisions about things in life need to be tempered by my knowledge and consideration of her. But beyond and even before considering those things, my marriage to someone else needs to be considered. Before anyone gets ruffled...
As a Jesus follower and a part of the bride of Christ, there's an even more highly ordained marriage and partner to consider in everything I do, think, say or allow myself to be part of.If I'm to become one - united with Christ in relationship, I don't want to have to answer to Him for those things that I know that He would disagree with. His thoughts, feelings and the way that my life reflects on Him have to be important to me if I love Him as I claim. If they're not, then I'd be left to wonder if I'm really connected with Him - united as one.
The Lord God is Holy - perfect in Himself and lacking in nothing. He's allowed Himself to desire us though (something that might seem a little mysterious to us, but true none the less). All that He's done from the moment creation began is a courtship and counsel of mankind - leading up to an intended marriage with Christ. If we're truly to accept His invitation into that relationship, we have to allow ourselves to become accountable to Him, to His feelings, judgments and thoughts, to consider His thoughts about the things that reflect on us both. That would encompass everything given that we're to be bound as one entity and shared life. My reactions and decisions about things in life need to be tempered by my knowledge and consideration of Him. I have to allow myself to become open and accountable to Him, and Him being God, He has to become my first consideration above any other.
That accountability and the knowledge of it should guide and temper my tongue, the thoughts I allow, the things that I do, and anything that I allow myself to be a part of. If they don't, then I'd need to be concerned about my true connection to Christ. He's the perfect judge, so if anything that I've done, thought, said, or allowed myself to be a part of is justified by anything other than the sieve of what He has said, ... then it's wrong - It's that simple. I still have things to talk with Him about from time to time and to ask His forgiveness for (no surprise - I'm not yet perfect), but His love for me is my security. Because of my love for Him, I've made the choice to willingly submit to be accountable to Christ.
In the end all will be accountable one way or another, but to choose Him willingly is to choose life. So if you haven't yet, please, ... choose to be accountable - He's waiting with forgiveness.
"No, O people, the LORD has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8 (NLT)
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