In our busyness, time has a way of escaping our consciousness in its daily passing, but time is limited - it has a beginning and an end. In that fatal end is enclosed the hope of a beginning without time's future presence - a beginning without an end. The endless span of eternity, without limit, is the span that we were created with intention for. But that path to eternity has active requirement.
Time is a bubble - a capsule set apart within eternity that Father God uses to to measure the span of a man's testing in an element created to try him. It's become a conspicuous microcosm that man's commonly come to view shortsightedly as his lifetime - a view completely void of the consideration of eternity's existence. But completely sovereign God is eternal and so are His perspective and His plan.
God created man with the hopeful intention that he too would become eternal, a relative of God escaping the fatality of time's passing. But in His infallible wisdom, God placed the trial of free will in the hands of man to become a winnow. It sorts the submissive from those defiant to Father God's creative intention of true relationship. As the hope of an eternal seedling encased in the wiles of flesh, to us submission means the denial of certain things that flesh craves and the disciplined desire for things intangible to our lust driven bodies - a tension created with intention.
In our current encasement of flesh, the test of free will becomes a winnow to determine either our obedience to relate to Him submissively, or our failure to meet Father God's holy expectations of His intention to create us. The test ends when time runs out. His hope is that we actively choose relationship with Him, but the demonstration of our free will determines our case. In the end, He'll judge fairly our choice and reward us righteously according to what we lived out in limited testing - what we chose. Too stubborn or proud to actively yield? The choice is completely up to you.
Time is limited - it has a beginning and an end. But in that fatal end is enclosed the hope of a beginning without time's future presence - a beginning without an end. That hope is enabled and made certain through our submissive participation and active relationship with Christ.
Time is limited. To eternal eyes,... yours is short. Use it wisely.
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