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Showing posts from August, 2019

Before you move on...

As a hopeful follower of Christ attempting to view the world from a higher perspective... You might scan the news headlines from any source, periodically looking for some sense that godly wisdom and moral standards have gained a slight foothold somewhere in the world - looking for some sign that there's reason to hope for a world caught in increasing moral decay to begin to change its course.     I think the odds are that you won't find it in any way that gives reason for any assurance that an overwhelming surge of godly morality is overtaking the hearts of the majority of human kind. Too many are willing to follow the path of their own hearts rather than choosing the discipline and submission to follow a path of obedience to Christ. This isn't new, it's an old slow spiral of individuals choosing to follow whatever they will other than what they were created for... But the fight for the souls of mankind isn't over, the battle's not lost... because our God...

It's Only A Matter Of Time...

In our busyness, time has a way of escaping our consciousness in its daily passing, but time is limited - it has a beginning and an end. In that fatal end is enclosed the hope of a beginning without time's future presence - a beginning without an end. The endless span of eternity, without limit, is the span that we were created with intention for. But that path to eternity has active requirement. Time is a bubble - a capsule set apart within eternity that Father God uses to to measure the span of a man's testing in an element created to try him. It's become a conspicuous microcosm that man's commonly come to view shortsightedly as his lifetime - a view completely void of the consideration of eternity's existence. But completely sovereign God is eternal and so are His perspective and His plan. God created man with the hopeful intention that he too would become eternal, a relative of God escaping the fatality of time's passing. But in His infallible wisdom,...