My human triumphs and failures, both my pride and shame here, are of no true account in the reckoning of my eternal balance sheet,... save one endeavor. And that is the goal of becoming of an empty vessel surrendered to Christ - a clay jar, one worthy only by the grace of the true accountant, re-birthed to carry and become saturated by the Spirit of the Living God. He who made me is completely worthy of my surrender to His habitation... and I am made worthy only by the power of His purifying presence in me...
So Lord, If I rise in my own assessment of myself, let me fall. And if I fall, I pray raise me up again to true life in you, free of myself - let my focus be on you. If it need be in order for me to become the vessel that your heart truly desires, break me down, grind me into dust and saturate me with living waters. I pray this so that I may once again be formed by the hands that love me, into a worthy vessel. Let the will in me that I once so selfishly clung to die to make room for the greater will of my God - and then fill me up with your own.
Burn me with holy fire - melt me down and skim from me the impurity that I've come to revile by the grace of your revelation to its foul presence. Purge me of myself until self is no more, so that all that is revealed upon inspection at the completion of your work in me... is a clear reflection of you.
This has become the winsome goal of my life - my heart and mind can think of nothing greater. Recognizing the truth as you've established it, considering all of the possible investments that this life presents - all of its potential occupations and goals, I can find none more worthy than to become the one you intended for me to become from the moment you formed me. My mind struggles to express it completely and any presence of remaining self might oppose it, but my heart cries out for it perfectly to your hearing ear. So I pray Lord... let it be.
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