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Precious Things...

I've seen a fair number of Christmas Days come and pass into the cataloged history of my days. And in the passing of each one, I've learned with growing experience to look forward to the next with  mounting expectation. As the day we mark to celebrate Christ's birth slowly approaches, my anticipation begins to rise in the hope that I'll find that expectation met. But in my building excitement and watchful search, I'm not looking for what some might assume...

As a young boy, I was the son of a carpenter with big dreams who struggled at times to support his family and a gifted, hardworking mother who worked tirelessly and creatively to meet the needs of our household. There were good times, celebrated with what seemed to us rare luxury at the time, yet were in reality the kind of things that many might take for granted and wouldn't give any notice or any real significance to. There were also meaner, lean times when the struggle to fill the gap of need meant working all together as a family and brought with them some humiliation and the scorn of some peers. One Christmas during those times was represented by a box of oranges and some peanuts from the carpenter's union along with a pair of yarn slippers knitted by my mother late in the evenings before the big day came - a labor of love undertaken long after we'd gone off to sleep. While those things might seem trivial to some, at the time they were well received gifts that came with an unapparent rich bonus. Christmases over the years as a kid were for me a well rounded experience that might produce a bicycle or a homemade marble bag full of marbles with my name stitched in (which I have to this day), or maybe... peanuts. The real gift is that through all of those experiences I was blessed through every one - I grew up rich, in that through them all I grew up learning the value of precious things - what they are and also where to spot them. ... And to this point, you still might not recognize the treasured prize that I'm most hoping for...

As is my custom, I again look forward to this Christmas season of celebration with a very hopeful expectation of precious things. It might sound a little greedy of me, however, my aim of distinct pleasure is not found in the panorama of decorations, though I enjoy them. It's not the dinner to come or any of the delicious special things we reserve for the season (though I probably enjoy them all too much as my gently rounding frame might attest). It's not even found in the well considered gifts of material things, though I enjoy them also (I really want for nothing in that regard - my needs are gracefully met and that's received with my gratitude). No, the high goal of my expectations are far grander than those things and far more extravagant. I have a dire need for precious things and as is a normal and long practiced custom for me, I'm looking fervently to satisfy my desire even a little more hopefully than usual this time of year. "So what's precious?" you might ask...

As a boy what was most "precious" was the gentle and loving eyes of Christ shining from my mother's face - desiring to bless me and hopeful that I was appreciative of her efforts come Christmas morning. It was the tenderness and warmth of Christ in my father's rough hands and the patience of Christ, both of which he seemed to have in somewhat sparing supply at other times in his busy struggles. It IS the unselfish tenderness of Christ shared between family, friends and even strangers - an unfortunately rare and precious thing to observe in a world so damaged - those glimpses of Christ's pure character, personality and love that tend shine through a little more as we reflect on His birth. The moment of the revelation of God's greatest gift to mankind and the sweet spirit of Christ that encompasses the celebration we hold to commemorate it... are so immeasurably precious.

They're precious because they give us mere glimpses of the most precious gift ever given, and glimpses of of the most gloriously precious heart and person of Christ our Lord and Saviour - our King! In truth, when the sieve of our God sifts through the full measure of our lives to find only those things worthy and precious to Him... only those things that were of Christ will come out - truly "precious things". In this season, but not only, share what is worthy and most precious in a gift you have to give with every one you meet - the spirit and heart of Christ... 

Be Generous!

Luke 2:8-14  
8 "And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. 9 And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. 10 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. 11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. 12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger. 13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, 14 Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men."

Merry Christmas Treasured Family of Christ!


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