On a day when life might find me a victim poisoned by the unending news of mankind's unholy indifference and intentions, grace finds me still to revive my soul to courage and confidence. The word of life gives me renewed hope through reminding me of the one who holds my life's fortune. For it's not in the hands of men without moral compass or those who plot ungodliness with relentless indifference to determine my future. It resides firmly in the hand extended from the power that gave birth to the universe and all that it contains. My future is spoken irrevocably from the very mouth that birthed the multitude of stars and spoke into existence all that resides under the canopy of the heavens.
I am reminded that my sojourn in this lifelong education is not by chance, but divine choreography. What my eyes may see and my ears may hear are but opportunities for true examinations of my faith in the one on whom I am, in honesty, wholly dependent. For certainly there is nothing provided, not even my rescue without the origin of my provision being found in the maker of all things. Not a hair of my head, in its ever changing count is missed by the notice of the one who dotes on me. And no course of my life is without the utmost consideration toward planning the divinely profitable steps of my successful outcome in eternity.
In consideration, what may come, may come. But however it may appear, it will never come without being under the intense scrutiny and omnipotent authority of the one who regards me as the apple of His eye ... the one who I in reverent fear and adoration, call my Abba.
I am reminded that my sojourn in this lifelong education is not by chance, but divine choreography. What my eyes may see and my ears may hear are but opportunities for true examinations of my faith in the one on whom I am, in honesty, wholly dependent. For certainly there is nothing provided, not even my rescue without the origin of my provision being found in the maker of all things. Not a hair of my head, in its ever changing count is missed by the notice of the one who dotes on me. And no course of my life is without the utmost consideration toward planning the divinely profitable steps of my successful outcome in eternity.
In consideration, what may come, may come. But however it may appear, it will never come without being under the intense scrutiny and omnipotent authority of the one who regards me as the apple of His eye ... the one who I in reverent fear and adoration, call my Abba.
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