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Showing posts from May, 2012

Remembering The Sabbath

Jeremiah 17:19-27 19 Then the LORD said to me, "Go and stand in the gates of Jerusalem, first at the gate where the king goes out, and then at each of the other gates. 20 Say to all the people, 'Listen to this message from the LORD, you kings of Judah and all you people of Judah and everyone living in Jerusalem. 21 This is what the LORD says: Listen to my warning and live! Stop carrying on your trade at Jerusalem's gates on the Sabbath day. 22 Do not do your work on the Sabbath, but make it a holy day. I gave this command to your ancestors, 23 but they did not listen or obey. They stubbornly refused to pay attention and would not respond to discipline. 24 "'But if you obey me, says the LORD, and do not carry on your trade or work on the Sabbath day, and if you keep it holy, 25 then this nation will continue forever. There will always be a descendant of David sitting on the throne here in Jerusalem. Kings and their officials will always ride among the people ...

Lord, It's Me Again ...

For some this may give food for thought. For some it may give a key to a much more fruitful relationship with our Lord. For others, perhaps just an encouragement to continue. But whatever the case, I hope you find blessing... Have you ever known someone who was so continually needy that every time you saw them coming your way you had to check yourself because you knew what was coming? I sometimes wonder if we ever stop to think about what our Lord might be thinking when He hears us calling Him. We have emotions because we were created in His image so ... what about His emotions ... and His feelings? We know that He's perfect where we're not and we know that His love is unfailing. But He allows Himself to have needs also - needs that only we can fulfill. He made Himself vulnerable to us by allowing Himself to love us so much. He needs to hear our hearts for Him. He needs to hear our recognition and praise for the things that He does for us ... and for the tremendous volum...

To Those Who Walk Close ...

This word came to me recently as I was focused soley on our Lord. To those who walk in His Spirit close to His heart, it has meaning and carries reason for great joy ... The Lord asks: "How long can a horse go without water? How long can the cattle thirst before they die? Of how much greater worth are my people? I hear the words of the humble. The ground is parched and fallow. It lies cracked and abandoned in my fury. But for the sake of those who cry out to me in honest spirit, comes the rain." "Let it fall upon the Godly and the wicked alike in the hope of their resurrection. Let those who walk in my spirit now dance for joy in the rain of my spirit. I will honor their courage in the darkness as they honor me in spirit and in truth." "Even now the skies grow dark with the heaviness of the foretold weight of my spirit. Even now flows the wind warning of its' coming. Let the people of God come out from their houses in anticipation...

The Holy Spirit

In consideration of the fact that the annniversary of the day of Pentecost will soon be upon us, I feel moved to focus on the Holy Spirit of our Living God and the amazing, awesome and absolutely necessary blessings He brings to our lives. I had actually put this together some time ago, but following the Spirit's leading I'll bring it to you now ... If you search the New Testament in the New Living Translation, you will find that the "Holy Spirit" is referenced at least one hundred fifty one times. The importance of this cannot be ignored by hearts commited to walking with our God . If we look around us in the body of Christ with His eyes, how many of our Lord's people do we see walking in the true power of our God? How many do we see drawn to His throne by those who call themselves by His name, knowing that this is of the greatest priority and purposes of His heart? Who seems to be winning the battle for souls in the world where we live? Is it our Lord?...

Untitled Praise

Hear my heart for you, The One God who is holy! Hear my cries for your greater presence. Come near and hear the declarations of my heart for my greatest love. For it is you who satisfies my greatest longing and you for whom my heart yearns. I burn with the anticipation of your presence and pace in anguish when you are not near. You give songs of joy for my tearful mourning and it's you who trades life for my imminent death. You bring great songs of joy to my heart by your generocity and tears of deep gratitude for your grace. Your mercy is beyond comprehension and your love beyond full knowledge of men. Your righteous ways bring unending joy and your peace brings calm in the greatest storm. I stand in the faithfullness of your promises and my heart swells with praises for the unshakeable future of your word. Without you I stood worthless and void and life was not in me. But your spirit like the sun rising on the mornings horizon comes to shed warmth and light giving life t...