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Showing posts from March, 2012

Some Keys To Epic Change ...

Change has become a key word in American society perhaps more in the past few years than in many years preceding. People are tired of bloated self-serving government, the same worn out lies, the same deceptions, the same lack of hope, the same injustices, the same wickedness and the same old struggles. In my own humble mind, it's as if America has lost its' favor with God and as a result, its' people have lost hope. I'm not necessarily declaring this to be true. But looking at the worlds' past history, our situation may not be any mystery at all and if so, neither would the cure be. History Echoes ... Not only does history repeat itself, but it has repeated itself over and over again. The reason? Cause and effect - our God refuses to change. You might find yourself a little confused saying "What?". The cause: God's told us (man) what He'll do if we turn away from Him in an effort to drive us back to Him and yet we keep focusing on other t...

The Lifeless Absence Of Affection

Affection [uh-fek-shuhn] "a disposition or rare state of mind or body that is often associated with a feeling or type of love." Wikipedia "fond attachment, devotion, or love: 1. the affection of a parent for an only child, 2. Often affections. a. emotion; feeling; sentiment; over and above our reason and affections. b. the emotional realm of love: a place in his affections." "tender attachment: fondness" Meriam Webster It can be found in a tone of voice, a touch, or a manner of addressing someone. It can be displayed in any number of ways. It causes people to do all kinds of things. It has motivated people to accomplish tremendous things at times and yet, still others have suffered horribly for the want of it. If it's real, it can be priceless and in it's true form it can't be purchased. Shared mutually it tends to act as a binding agent that cements people together and gives life to relationships....

Echoing Revelation

Given that I believe that our Lord, to a degree has varying expectations of each of us based on the gifts He has given each of us and our individual spiritual maturity, I find myself a target of my own writing ... because with His help, ... I can do more ... and I can do better ... As righteousness fades and the differences between right and wrong become increasingly obscured by the world as it continues to justify it's self serving and self centered existence, the time for decision fades also. As prophecies continue to find their moment in time to be fulfilled at Father God's direction, the foretold schedule of His plan draws closer to the earth's final act. Yet so many people remain oblivious and unresponsive to the late hour caught up in other preoccupations - and many of them are Christians. A high percentage of people will call themselves Christian and an even higher percentage will confess that they believe in God. But which God? If one takes these facts in...