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Showing posts from February, 2012

Who Will See ...

Who Will See ... How hard and unrewarding it is to the loving heart of a good parent to receive grief and ingratitude from the children they raise toward Gods' standard. Do not good, wise and truly understanding hearts receive correction gladly? Who will have Gods perspective to accept His correction and training with a glad heart? Who will have the wisdom to greet the disasters in this life with praise for Gods investment? Who will have God's eyes to see that these disasters are the investment of His valuable time and effort in the growth of our character to prosper His children for eternity? Who will have tears of gratitude for His great caring in the midst of the throes of tribulation rather than tears of disappointment or for the pain dealt to worldly flesh? Who will have the wisdom to offer gratitude in these moments when His tender heart reaches out to teach us and give to us lessons of refinement for the prosperity of our eternal lives? If in His Fatherly love to us...

How Will We Worship You?

Lord, how will we worship you in the short time you have given? Each passing moment represents a lost opportunity to give you thanks for the gift of it. Will we continue to be silent as they continue to pass us by? Or will we acknowledge our error and begin to sing your praises in earnest? Will we acknowledge the wealth of your works and generosity to us giving thanks for them all? Or by our continued lack of excitement for your gifts or even by silence shout our ingratitude? Will the worship we offer you be worthy of the God of the universe? Or will our excitement for our Father God be less than the praise we give to the mere dust of mortal men? Will our praise in worship and exaltation be worthy of the only one who is God? Or by our restrained worship or even our silence show our lack of regard for all that you have done? We can never repay what you've already given. But do our hearts offer true gratitude or only further request of your favor? Will the praise and worship w...