The Truth Hurts? Really?
I'm sure many of us have felt a sting
at one time or another when confronted with truth. But is it really
the truth that brings us pain? Or is it really the sudden sharp
acknowledgment that we're faced with? I tend to believe that it's the
recognition that we're in error or that we've been deceived that
causes us pain and that it's the acknowledgment of, and compliance
with the truth that brings us healing and life.
For example, the need to express
individuality and intellect in radical ways seems to be a wide and
common goal in the world among people today. But I harbor a fear of
the extremes of independence I see many striving to achieve. Because
the truth is that the spirit of independence can be a spirit of
deception. The quest for independence has the ability to separate us
from truth and life. The truth is evident whether we choose to
acknowledge it or not and that is that we're totally dependent on the
same God that created us. If our perspective has changed, it doesn't
change the truth that has existed before us.
What are we saying to God by our
efforts to stand apart and be individual? I can do it on my own? I
can do what I want? It's true that we can, but He knows that because
He's the one that gave us those choices. So what we're really saying
is nothing more than insult to another truth. But He's also
forewarned us. Good parents can bear witness to the fact that
children are most at peace when the boundaries of acceptable behavior
are clear. It gives them a sense of security to know where those
boundaries are and that they're enforced. Occasionally they'll test
those boundaries just to make sure that they still exist because it
gives them a certain peace and security by reaffirming that things
are still as they understood them to be. To God, we are those
As adults in the world we may no longer
see ourselves as children, but in God's unchanging and much higher
perspective, we're nothing more. We're no more independent of Him
than a newborn baby at it's mother's breast. We can think and do
anything we want, we have that choice. But without Him, in the end we
continue to live or die by our own choice when this "life"
is over. He's given us minds and the freedom to use them. But with
our great human intellect we can easily deceive ourselves by
reasoning away the truth. We're merely given more freedom to test the
boundaries if we choose to and at the same time are required to
suffer the greater consequences. "To whom much is given, much is
required", so as we gain more "freedom and independence"
we become more accountable for our use of it. But in the reality of
God, nothing that He's spoken ever changes, so regardless of how we
choose to express ourselves or exhalt our freedom and our intellect,
the consequences stay the same. If we think any differently, then
we're the only ones deluded and we have only ourselves to blame
because the truth was clear before us. We choose to be damned or not.
That choice was given to us by God - in the end, we will be damned or
not by our own choices. If you have trouble believing this, just
remember my words on the day of judgment.
The world might call me a fool. But if
fools are the only ones to accept the truth and live, where does that
leave all of the "smart" people who live for this moment
gorged on their own intellect? I'd rather choose to be a fool for
Christ and live beyond this moment than die bloated full of myself
only to lie rotting in the stench of my feigned intellect and
independence. We've been told by God that we were created to live
beyond this momentary "life". Which means that this "life"
isn't THE LIFE. To understand that and live according to it indicates
that we have an eternal perspective rather than a short sighted
terminal one. I understand that with all of the influence and
"thoughtful intelligence" of the world, that the truth can
become obscured if we let it. But the consequences can be eternally
deadly. The seeming growing obscurity is satan's design and it's
indeed intentional.
I can't help but feel in my own spirit
that our God's sick of man's growing philosophical stupidity as
evidenced by mans' sinful expressionism and independence in the way
that he lives in the face of the unmovable truth that's existed
clearly before him. Our greatest and yet simplest choice in this mere
moment in the true expanse of our existence as declared by our God is
this: Will we choose to accept the reality of what God has told us
and live according to the raw unwhitewashed truth of it even though
that means humbly admitting our frailty and deep dependence on Him?
Or will we choose instead to hide in the obscurity - believing the
lie of our independence and the reasoning of our own intellect in the
face of the truth that God has declared will be reconned with on the
inescapable day when it all comes down ...
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