The ABCs Of Christian Survival And Growth, GHG - Powerful Medicine To Cure The Runaway Human Ego, Part 3 - Humility
GHG - Powerful Medicine To Cure The Runaway Human Ego Part 3 - Humility One Wikipedia definition describes Humility as, "A quality by which a person considering his own defects has a humble opinion of himself and willingly submits himself to God and to others for God's sake." This is the definition to which I subscribe and the one I aspire to be consumed by. It doesn't mean that as a Christian, I still carry the sins or the due judgment of my past. By the grace of God to forgive them through Christ's sacrifice, I'm no longer guilty before God. I no longer live under the conviction of them. But, I do remember ... that it's only because of His grace. I remember that by any sin, including the sin that I was born into, I was guilty and subject to judgment and thereby the punishment of death. I do realize that my right standing with God is a gift - unearned and undeserved and one for which my gratitude should never wane as long as I enjoy the et...